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Updated on March 17, 2013
T.E. asks from Baldwin Park, CA
19 answers

My almost three year old has been acting a bit more hyper. Every where we go she wants to walk and touch everything and climb everything. Im staring to worry that she might have adhd. She goes to school from 8 to 5 everyday and takes a nap in the afternoon, but she has all this energy when i pick her up. she does not like to sit in the shopping cart at the market. I try and let her explorer and help me pick things out but something shes takes advantage and goes everywhere. Is this a stage shes going tru or should i worry. She is also very impatient even if its for 5 mins.She will be three in April. Any experienced moms have any advice, she is my first and only child.

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So What Happened?

Thank you everyone for the advice. I do feel much better :)
She is growing to fast for me to handle. I thought she would stay a baby and always need me. I did not want to believe she may have adhd, she is very smart and very talkative and knows exactly what she wants. I will defenatly try all the suggestions and see what works for us. thank you.

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answers from St. Louis on

plain & simple....she's acting normally for a 3yo!

& 3 is much harder than 2! 3s are mouthier, more demanding, & require more personal freedom & autonomy.

I sincerely recommend you watch the "1-2-3 Magic" video. It will help you make choices as a parent!

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answers from Columbia on

she sounds 3.

Give it a bit of time, try to talk differently to her... parenting a 3 year old is a new phase. So the things you did with her when she was 2 likely aren't working. Just like the things you did with her at 10 months aren't the same as how you parented her at 2.

She's morphing into a "kid" with feelings and words and wants and desires. her universe is now bigger than just you. So, help her acclimate in an appropriate manner.

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answers from Columbus on

Oh my. She's three. And that sounds like a very typical three. And the fact that she doesn't see you all day -- the last thing she wants to do is be strapped in a shopping cart! She'd rather be running around the yard and playing with you, and who could blame her? Discipline is key, but to think a 3 year old has adhd just because she's rambunctious and curious and energetic... please don't start labeling her just for being three...

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Yep...this was about the age I found it easier to grocery shop at midnight--ALONE!!! Lol

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answers from San Francisco on

She is only 3. That's what they do - run, climb, touch, etc. Please do not even think about adhd for at least another 3 - 4 years. Until then, chalk it up to age and lack of maturity. Even when she starts school - she will have to have time to LEARN how to be in school. So, when the teacher tells you she talks alot, she doesn't sit in her seat, she doesn't pay attention, etc., please chalk it up to her learning HOW to be in school and don't go straight to the adhd thing.

Everyone who has a child that does anything but sit around quietly with hands in laps, thinks their child is adhd. Kids are energetic. If you want to label her, call her the "energizer bunny" but don't call her adhd! She's waayyyy too young for that!

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I think you have normal 3 year old child. I learned this the hard way, if you take her to the store hungry or tired, sometimes its unavoidable, she will probably act up. Not many like to sit in the cart, they are very curious and want to touch everything like you are. You have to train her. Give her rules to follow before going into the store. No touching, keep your hand on the cart at all times, if you don't follow the rules you will get back in the cart. So you let her help and then when she starts wandering or not following the rules, she has to sit in the cart. Explain to her that she didn't follow the rules and has to get back in the cart. If she cries and screams you need to be strong (its very hard) don't let her back out of the cart. It feels embarassing but most people understand, moms especially, we've been through it. Stay calm, speak in a gentle voice and if she does a good job reward her with something small, lots of praise a tickle session, a time at the park whatever she would like. Hope this helps. Good luck

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answers from Seattle on

She's not EVEN three yet mom! And you have her in "school" longer than my children go to school.
Of course she doesn't want to be in the shopping cart, she wants to be with you. She wants to run, she wants to play, she wants to interact with you.
She is not ADHD...she is almost 3.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Sounds perfectly normal. I would NEVER consider taking away her nap to make her tired.

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answers from Nashville on

Nope, she is not ADHD, she is 3yr old vibrant young toddler who enjoys life. You can help train her (repeatedly) by letting her know what not to touch. She is exploring and becoming independent. Everything is fair game...

Personally I don't know why when a child is energetic and nourished that we try to "calm" them down under the terms of ADHD...we live in a busy world, and all this stimulation causes more than the brain can handle in a toddler...

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answers from Jacksonville on

Sounds like a normal three yr old!

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answers from Anchorage on

sounds very very normal, and this high energy stage lasts until about the teens years!

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answers from San Francisco on

She's fine. It's normal. She's curious, and active. Enjoy it!

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answers from Seattle on

ugh yes, sounds just like my daughter when she was 3 (she is 4 now). Five minutes of waiting is still an eternity for her...and I think that is normal at this age. Between her and my 2 year old son, it is incredibly difficult to go to any store or run any errands. I dread doing the grocery shopping but I make them both sit in the little car cart that they have and then I keep handing them gogurts to help keep them calm.

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answers from New York on

Not sure if this is the right answer for you, but my mom asked my daycare to exclude me from naptime. I would color, draw, play legos or do something else while everyone got a nap.

Dr. Harvey Karp has some patience extending games he recommends. I imagine you can find them online. Might work for you.

Good luck to you and yours,
F. B.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Your daughter sounds like a normal 2 or 3 year old. They want to explore everything. One way to get her to sit in the cart while shopping is to give her her own list of things you need her "help" to find. If she recognizes letters you can use the actual word or you can draw pictures of what she needs to look for. She will be happy to help and she will have something to concentrate on. Or you can explain to her what you are buying and show her the different options. 3 year olds understand so much more than we think they do and this will get her interested and engaged in what you're doing. And she'll learn something in the process. Hope this helps! It does get better!



answers from Los Angeles on

Your daughter is perfectly normal. This behavior is called 'exploring'. Do they have outdoor play at her daycare? Try taking her to the park instead of the mall, or grocery store. She would probably love to play ball with you, or just be outside playing on the play equipment. Try that.


answers from San Diego on

sounds like a phase. I had these exact worries when our son was that age. and, while he's only 4 right now, he has improved dramatically since then. although, he still acts like a crazy person sometime too.



answers from Las Vegas on

My son was like that, although it basically started around 18 months. Once he hit 3 and a half or 4 he calmed down a lot. He still likes to run everywhere and do everything, but he also knows the limits of how far he can go, and often will just come and sit with me (something he would never do before because he was always moving). So she will slow down at some time, and then you will be able to enjoy going out with her more.



answers from Los Angeles on

Sounds like a perfectly normal kid to me. She is only 3 years old. Don't jump to conclusions because ADHD is a trend right now. I was like that too, just an active person. My son is like that too, but I know he's perfectly normal. She;s probably very smart and needs to explore everything.

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