government loan

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Results 101-110 from 365 articles

Need to Vent: Seeking Input, Advice, Share Your Story

C.P. asks from Albuquerque

The past ~2 months have been one negative thing after another and I'm starting to really feel the effects of it all! First off, in December, we put our condo up for ...


Recovering from Fraud/ Identity Theft

F.B. asks from New York

A senior I know has been the victim of fraud/identity theft. Thus far they’ve determined that their bank account was tapped. Unauthorized purchases were made. Paper...


How Cah I Protect My Children from Toxic Chemicals?

K.C. asks from Albany

I just read this report called "Toxic Tubs' that talks about how there are cancer-causing chemicals contaminating common childcare products like lotion, baby shampoo ...



H.S. asks from Cincinnati

My husband and I are currently in the pay-day-loan trap and I want out! I hate wasting money every month. I know the intrest rates are unbelieveable, but I cannot c...


Do You Hold Others to a Higher Standard When They Are Doing "Your Job?"

N.S. asks from Austin

This is probably more a vent than anything, but nevertheless... I was a residential mortgage lender for many years, as I have mentioned several times on here. I've...


Did You Know About These 2013 Tax Changes?

X.O. asks from Chicago

I got an email the other day from our CPA's office, letting us know about many changes for next year's taxes. (Hint - this goes way beyond those making $250k/yr pa...


What to do...what to Do....

C.A. asks from Atlanta

I’m going to try and keep this short and to the point here-try being the keyword! Basically my father-in-law died at the end of our vacation at Disney unexpectedly....


Credit/Identity Fraud?

J.K. asks from Omaha

Hi ladies, so I'm freaking out a bit... I decided to check my credit status this weekend since I have not done it before (I'm only 21, almost 22). I haven't needed...


Daughter and Her Family Living with Us.

S.M. asks from Bellingham

My daughter her 9 yr old and now 30 month old and her husband have been living with us for 2 yrs now. Her husband was supposed to work when he came from his native c...


Job Frustration

M.D. asks from Washington DC

Right now I am extremely blessed to be paid off of the admin account at my company. I have been since 1 January, but I am not sure how long it will last. My company i...

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