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Results 141-150 from 2,003 articles

How to Keep Clutter Clear??

K.C. asks from Dallas

I work full time, have a 1 yr old, 5 yr old step son and a husband that works 12 hour shifts as a police officer... oh yeah and a 2 year old boxer! How do you ladies...


Feeling in a Rut

S.L. asks from Kansas City

In the nicer parts of the year I always feel great and get the kids out of the house for various activities. All around I just feel more creative and the kids and I ...


pre-K Curriculum Ideas/resources ETA

I.G. asks from Seattle

This is a question for all the homeschooling moms out there. I am not homeschooling, but I would like to make the time I spend with DD at home a bit more productive...


Christmas Gift Ideas

L.P. asks from Chicago

Hello everyone. I have three siblings, two of which are married and have kids. Every year for Christmas we all exchange names and get a gift. This way we all only buy...


Good Books for 16 Year Old Girl

C.M. asks from Wausau

Hi Moms, I have a 16 y/o girl who is having trouble finding good books to read. She used to be an avid reader until her workload and extra-curricular activities cu...


Am I the Only One?

A.R. asks from New York

I feel that I am the only mom in the world that can't get organized. The house is a mess; I can't hire help (maid or babysitter) because me and my husband are unemplo...


Activities for 7 and 2 Year Old

L.F. asks from New York

In the winter, if you have a 7 & 2 year old, how do you keep them busy? It's too cold for walks or the playground. Play dates are infrequent and money is tight. Yeste...


Scam or Noat a Scam?

H.S. asks from Minneapolis

Last week, I received a letter in the mail from a Child Development Center in Plymouth. The letter said that I would receive "a valuable selection of gift items in a...


My 5 Year Old Has Hit a Plateau in Violin Lessons - Looking for Inspiration!

L.G. asks from Los Angeles

Hello All ~ My 5 y.o. daughter requested violin lessons last year and we began classes in October of 08. Her daddy is a professional musician (guitar, banjo, mandol...


20 1/2-Month Old Does Not Talk

R.W. asks from Los Angeles

My son (20 1/2 months) is not talking and I don't know if I should worry or not. According to all the online resources and magazines I read, kids his age should be s...

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  • sue monk kidd in 2 answers "... Walker One Mississippi, Mark Childress Secrest life of bees, Sue Monk Kidd ..."
  • your local regional center in 6 answers "Get him assessed through your local regional center."
  • speech language pathologist in 4 answers "I used to work as a Speech Language Pathologist in the schools before my kids were ..."
  • dry erase markers in 2 answers "... them different things: chalk, markers, crayons, pencils, our dry erase markers ..."
  • by jane austen in 2 answers "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen are good fun, and she would get a glimpse at how ..."