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Teenage ADD Advice

M.T. asks from Fayetteville

My soon to be 13 year old nephew has ADD. He is on medication for it and has been for some time. I have talked to his doctor over and over again about how it doesn't ...


Natural Remedies/acupuncture/chiro Advice

C.M. asks from Los Angeles

Has anyone taken there child to see an acupuncturist or a chiropractor for alternative medicine help. My son has a middle ear infection in his right ear, and I don't ...


Is Delivering at a Birthing Center Reckless?

K.R. asks from Dallas

Hi ladies. I am delivering my 3rd and had settled on a wonderful local birthing center. It has gotten great reviews, and when I toured I felt very much at home. ...


What Kind of Info to Leave for the New Nanny?

R.D. asks from Richmond

Because I was hired (and in turn, SHE was hired) on short notice, we haven't had the chance to have a 'trial day' really before the new nanny starts. This is the firs...


Seeking Pediatric Naturopath And/or Chiropractic Cranial/Sacral Doctor for Baby

T.D. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Moms! A couple of months ago on this website I remember seeing some of you discuss finding a pediatric naturopathic doctor in the Pasadena/Glendale area, and I...


Son Almost 2 Got Croup Twice in a Month and Now Bad Cold

N.C. asks from Los Angeles

My son contacted the croup after a flight and then got a lingering dry cough usually it went away after 2 weeks or 3 max but this time, we flew back from our vacation...


Need Advice on Giving Meds to Dog That Won't Eat

S.B. asks from Dallas

Alright - the internet has stumped me - I cannot find a solution, or even a decent message board on dog health problems, so hoping maybe some of you have an answer. ...


Need Advice for Natural vs Antibiotic Remedies for Son's UTI

J.W. asks from Los Angeles

Hi All, My 3 1/2 year old son has a UTI. On Tuesday night, he was screaming in pain from the burning sensation when he urinated but by mid-day Wednesday, it didn'...


High Fever, Need Help!

S.W. asks from South Bend

My 11 month old daughter has been running a fever all night. Yesterday all day she wasn't acting like herself, and we couldn't get her to eat her regular baby food. S...


VBAC Or 2Nd C-section?

S.D. asks from Cleveland

I need some advice or sharing of experiences...I am now pregnant with my second child. For my first child, I had planned on a vaginal delivery, but ended up with an ...

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Answer Highlights

  • vicks vapor rub in 3 answers "I have always used Baby Vicks Vapor rub on the bottom of the feet with a sock over ..."
  • can alternate tylenol and motrin in 2 answers "And my sister is a pharmacist - you can alternate tylenol and motrin every 2 hours ..."
  • risk of uterine rupture in 2 answers "... a VBAC are due to the use of medications in labor. The risk of uterine rupture ..."
  • thinking womans guide in 2 answers "... read the following books: Pushed by Jennifer Block, The Thinking Womans Guide ..."
  • had an unplanned c section in 3 answers "I had an unplanned c-section with my first after my son got stuck and was in distress."