I have always been the mom to err on the side of caution and safety. We all wear helmets bike riding because it is safer and dad and I want to set a good example. U...
My daughter recently dropped out of a public high school with plans to attend a private school next year. The private school does not enroll mid year. I would like fo...
Hi. :)
My daughter is 4 yrs old and just started pre-k this August. We will be moving to another state (probably by Christmas), and do not know anything about the...
My daughter is 4 and will be 5 in April. I am already researching elementary schools in the South Austin area. Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations as ...
My husband and I have toured a few preschools and are torn between which school we would like to send our son to. He prefers one, while I prefer another. I am curious...
Hello, just moved to Oceanside and my son is starting Kindergarten next year. He should be going to Ivey Ranch. Having only driven by I cant make a judgement yet of...
I have a 4 year old daughter who is entering kindergarten in the 09-10 academic year so I am thinking a great deal about where to send her. I am eager to hear from p...
I went to the Police Dept this morning to report my son as a runaway. I informed them that he was in Lake Tahoe, CA. I gave them the address of where I believed he wa...
Would love to hear from other moms whose child may have had an allergic reaction to a vaccine and how you proceeded. My daughter's tongue swelled up a couple hours af...
Thank you Linda M for your suggestion.... A couple of things that I think I should add to my earlier request for advice is that when I say my son is gifted I mean tha...