education resources

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Results 51-60 from 2,965 articles

Question for Authors - Best Resources Re. Getting Started Writing a Book

P.G. asks from Dallas

I have an idea. I'm pretty sure it's a good one. Have you written a book? Have you published a book? Can you share your experiences? I need to do research to g...


Preschool Research Resources

E.H. asks from Chicago

I have an 11-month old son and it sounds like it's time to start looking for the "right" pre-school, but I have no idea where to start. We live in Logan Square in Chi...


Moving to Eagen- Need Resources

K.D. asks from Minneapolis

Hi We are moving to Eagen from Dallas Texas. I need info on the following... Pediatrician Family Dentist Family Doctor Piano Teacher Swim Team Soccer Leaque Ac...


Help with Adult Education

T.L. asks from Kansas City

OK Girls....Here goes....I finished getting my degree...and am supposed to feel GREAT, but my employment status hasn't pay hasn't changed....and I am get...


Best "Sell Stuff Somebody Else Might Like" Online Resources?

P.G. asks from Dallas

Craigslist? Ebay? Local sites? Any idea which sites are best to sell things I just don't want/need/use but are still nice? I'd rather the curios I was gifted with 10...


Home Schooling Assistance

N.S. asks from Dallas

I have a friend whom is home schooling her son. Originally her son was enrolled in public school but it did not work out. Her son has special needs and requires addit...


Should We Refine Least Restrictive Environment?

K.Y. asks from Wichita

If you're familiar with special education, you're familiar with least restrictive environment. Should we have "integrated classrooms" where there are a combination of...


Vaccines... Yes or No?

V.W. asks from Minneapolis

What are some good, reliable resources to help me make the decision on whether or not to vaccinate my child?



K.S. asks from Chicago

My son was recently diagnosed with autism spectrum disorderand I feel devastated. How do I cope and do you have any resources?


New to Mamapedia

S.H. asks from Wichita

Are there any moms out there that have a child in a special education program? If so, have there been visible benefits? Thank you for your inputs or advice!

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