Who diagnosed him with the autism spectrum disorder? Did they not give you local resources to check out? Have you asked your pediatrician? You don't mention how his symptoms present themselves, but depending on what they are and how severe, your son may qualify for early intervention services with the local regional center (if he is under three) or the school district (if he is over three). You should definitely check them out regardless. Also, if you have the right insurance, you could qualify for speech therapy, occupational therapy, and special education preschool that might not otherwise be covered through the regional center/school district.
As far as how you cope personally, try to see if there are support groups that you can join, either on line or in your local community. I know how hard it is to think that there is something wrong with your baby, worrying about what this will mean for his and your future, wondering if other people will treat him differently, if there was something you did that caused it and the subsequent guilt and recriminations you feel as a result. I've been there, and it stinks. But know you are doing your best for your son. It's good that you finally know that there is a reason for the challenges you've been facing and now you can tackle them head on with as much information as possible.
Good luck to you and your family.