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My 6 Yr Old Gets Suspended from Kindergarten Has Been Diagnosed W/ Autism

A.E. asks from St. Louis

I am trying very hard to get my son the education that he deserves. He is in Kindergarten this year. He has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. This does no...


Just Received Autism What?

M.E. asks from Jacksonville

Our 2 1/2 year old was diagnosed today. Today has been a very emotional day for me. I have had concerns for a long time and I expected this, but now that it is "offic...


How Do You Home School a High School Kid in All or Most Subjects?

K.F. asks from Salinas

In reading the question asking if the poster was too late in starting to homeschool I got to thinking about this subject. I have a college degree, in business not ...


Okay, Now Don't Beat Me up About My High School Anxiety!

M.P. asks from Chicago

Our son has learning disabilities, and was accepted to three high schools. Two of the schools were "LD" schools, the third is a mainstream, Catholic high school with ...


Going Back to Work?

S.B. asks from Topeka

I have three children ages 10, 8, and 3. My older kids attend public school and I stay home with my 3 year old. We have talked about homeschooling for quite some ti...


Views on Language Immersion Schools

K.O. asks from Minneapolis

I would just like to know if there any other moms out there that are feeling frustrated by all the public language immersion schools that are cropping up everywhere? ...


Looking for More Opinions: Private School Vs. Public

K.U. asks from Detroit

I posted a similar question a while back about private school vs. public school for my DD, mostly wondering about Catholic school, but have since decided that Catholi...


Loss of Our Family Pet, Looking for New Dog

E.M. asks from St. Louis

I am waking up this morning with a very heavy heart, and could use some resources and referrals for dog adoption. We have had 2 family dogs and now are left with none...


Home Schooling Advice, Things to Consider, Etc

S.K. asks from Dallas

I almost can't believe it, but I am considering home schooling my son at least for a few years. I have been reading quite a bit, including older mamapedia posts on t...


Sensory Integration Disorder 3 1/2 YO

M.K. asks from Seattle

Hello, I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter that I have written about before. She is very quick to anger and has an extremely difficult time dealing with being told n...

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Answer Highlights

  • own strengths and weaknesses in 2 answers "... gain a better sense of self awareness and know her own strengths and weaknesses."
  • early childhood intervention in 2 answers "First step is to get Infant Toddler Services/Early Childhood Intervention involved."
  • learn another language in 4 answers "I didn't want to learn another language because I don't want to be a world traveler ..."
  • start your own business in 2 answers "It would help and then you could start your own business and work your OWN hours!"
  • their native language in 2 answers "... is because she wants them to continue to learn in German, their native language ..."