easter idea

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Another Easter Basket Question!

K.P. asks from New York

My little guy will be 3 next month and we are completely stumped for Easter Basket ideas! We don't want Easter to be about the Bunny, as we are practicing Catholics ...


Easter Basket for Baby

K.L. asks from Erie

OK, let me preface this question by explaining that the only reason I am doing a basket for our daughter is to avoid Easter Bunny questions from her older brothers. ...


Little Prizes for Easter Eggs

K.R. asks from Minneapolis

I'd like to do a small Easter egg hunt for Easter, but I'm not coming up with many good ideas of things to put in the little plastic eggs. My boys are young, 3 years ...


Easter Ideas for Boys......

K.M. asks from Lafayette

Hi moms, I was wondering if any of you could give me some ideas for easter basket or small gift ideas for boys? I have a 2 year old boy (34 months) and an 8 year old ...


Church for Easter Services: Which One?

C.M. asks from New York

For someone who has not been to a church in years, but was raised Catholic, what kind of Christian church should I attend this Easter Sunday with my 7 year old child?...


Breaking the News About the Easter Bunny/Santa

M.C. asks from Columbia

My daughter keeps asking me if the Easter Bunny is real. My question is what age is the right age to break the news WITHOUT breaking her heart. My fear is her feeli...


Easter Bunny, Leprechauns and the Like

C.S. asks from Chicago

Does the deception of holidays trouble anyone else? My MIL tells my kids that she talks with the Easter Bunny, leprechauns and the like. I try to down play all this...


EASTER Picture Ideas

F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas- Any cute/ clever ideas for easter pics of our DS? He's 16.5 months old. We'll have to get props and do the pics this weekend if we want post cards ...


Easter Basket Ideas for a 13 Month Old

D.G. asks from Dallas

I am curious about what you are giving as the "Easter Bunny" to bring to your infant on Easter. I bought him a easter basket but I don't really want to give him cand...


Easter Bunny and Santa

K.M. asks from Spartanburg

Hi! I am a mom with a 9 year old , 2 year ols and 4 month old. Well my 9 year old has been asking questions about the easter bunny , santa and such,I was just wonder...

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Answer Highlights

  • about the easter bunny and santa in 2 answers "I just told my son about the Easter Bunny and Santa."
  • santa or the easter bunny in 3 answers "... understood why encouraging children to believe in Santa or the Easter Bunny ..."
  • easter egg hunt in 2 answers "(unless that is too much right now) We always do an easter egg hunt in the house ..."
  • easter bunny or santa in 2 answers "... was told to tell her that as long as she beleives that the easter bunny or santa ..."
  • santa and easter bunny in 2 answers "My sister-in-law (children ages 25-22-19) still get Santa and Easter Bunny gifts."