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Results 91-100 from 129 articles

What Are Things You Wish You Had or Had Not Gotten in Preparation for 1St Child

M.N. asks from Redding

DH and I are expecting our first baby in April and we are very much minimalists. We live and work on a 60 acre sustainable farm and as of right now we have a pretty s...


Pumping at Work

K.B. asks from Sacramento

I am trying to increase my breast milk for pumping at work. So far I can only get at the most 4oz on a good day. When my baby breast-feeds I can feel the let down, ...


Problems with How Our 7-Year-old Son Wants to Spend His Money -- Junk & Webkinz

C.B. asks from Philadelphia

Our 7-year-old son earns $1 a week in allowance when he does a specific chore (which he chooses to skip at least a third of the time and thereby forfeit his allowance...


Irish Twins (Or Close to It)

R.G. asks from Boston

Hello Moms - My son just turned one the other day. The next morning we found out I am expecting another! I was shocked since it took 6 years to conceive him after hi...


Going to the Beach

A.B. asks from Spartanburg

Hey ladies! My husband and I are going to the beach in a few weeks and we are taking my 9 month old daughter. I have never taken a baby to the beach before as this...


The BEST Breast Pump.

A.H. asks from Modesto

Okay all you experienced moms, I need your help on choosing the best Breast Pump. I'm pregant with our second and bought one of the cheaper version breast pumps the ...


8 Month Old Won't Eat Solids!!

J.K. asks from Kansas City

I have an 8 month old boy who won't eat any solids. He wouldn't ever even eat rice cereal. I've given him every kind of veggie and fruit and he just takes one bite th...


Too Much Pumping?

S.L. asks from Phoenix

I am the mom of 6 month old triplets, and I am still pumping. I am able to put at least an ounce and a half or so in with each bottle, and they each get bottles 4-5 ...


What Are You Asking for for Christmas?

D.S. asks from Memphis

My husband has asked me to provide a Christmas list of things I want but since we already pretty much get what we want through out the year I don't know what to ask f...


Thanksgiving Tips

A.U. asks from Detroit

Hi Moms. I always have Thanksgiving at my house, but it turns out to be so darn hectic that I dread it each year. Yet I like having it here so I don't have to take ...

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