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Results 31-40 from 260 articles

How Much Is Good? or How Much Am I Supposed to Be Doing?

M.M. asks from Dallas

Hi, moms! I have never been one to really excersize and diet but all of a sudden I am in this mood to get thin! I have been excersizing for 2 weeks already and am rea...


What Is the Consensus on Organic Foods?

S.F. asks from Philadelphia

I was wondering what stance other moms who are dealing with the decision of whether to feed a solely organic diet to their infants is best or doing a mixture of organ...


At a Loss on What to Do About Cat

K.A. asks from Pittsburgh

I have a cat that's 13 years old, and for the past year she has decided that she can pee wherever she wants. I'm 100% sure it's not a bladder infection or anything ph...


Advice for Breastfeeding First Time Mom

T.W. asks from Detroit

My milk supply can't keep up with my 6 week old daughter's appetite. By mid afternoon I'm only able to produce approx 2oz for my 4-6oz eater. (I began pumping to gage...


After Losing a SIGNIFICANT Amount of Weight, I Am Just Too Damn Tired to Keep Go

L.U. asks from Seattle

Hi ladies. So I have posted about weight loss before, but here goes. I have lost 100 lbs. I KNOW it's a huge number...but I still have another 70ish to go before I...


Just Diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Insulin Resistance HELP

T.C. asks from Los Angeles

I have recently been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and insulin resistance. It was suggested to me to take the prescribed medications, maintain a healthy di...


Red Dye #40

S.S. asks from Washington DC

Recently I have found that my daughter has an adverse reaction to Red Dye #40. Her reaction includes hyper activity, restlessness, aggressiveness and all of the thi...


Exercise After a C-section

K.P. asks from York

i am just reaching my 6 week post partom and would like to start to get into a routine to get rid of my baby fat and the fat before baby .lol. This was my third and f...


Baratric Surgery. Which Type Did You Have and Do You Think It Was Worth It

M.J. asks from Minneapolis

I am bordering borderline morbid. I have controlled my early stage diabetes with food in the past but with my busy schedule and everything else (3 kids under 4 years ...


Help Breastfeeding

J.M. asks from New York

My son is 8 weeks old, and this is my first time breastfeeding. We have run into many problems, and now I'm having another. I have two other children, and both were f...

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