Hi. I have a 7 year old and a 1 year old. I tried several diets and none of them worked with my schedule, life style. I tried Atkins, and it worked, but was expensive becuase I would have to buy additional things for me to eat. I have found something that is working. Inceasing the amount of protien in my diet and going for a 20-30 minute walk 3 times a week. I've been doing this since Aug. and have lost 35 lbs. My husband couldn't be happier.
Its a pretty simple plan. I have a protien bar either for breakfast or between breakfast and lunch and then a protien shake for mid-day. I try and choose salad over french fries, doesn't always work. I have whatever my family is eating.
Its along the lines of Atkins/low-carb, but I don't restrict my food choices and I don't count carbs.