Diaper Service

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Cloth Diaper/ babyG's

H.D. asks from Sacramento

Hello all, I am due with our second child in two weeks. I am going to be using babyG diapers (biodegradable) with our daughter. I was told that cloth diapering is ...


Calling All Cloth Diaper Mommas....

S.Y. asks from Pittsburgh

Well, look at crunchy me! I finally made the switch to cloth! (I found a great cheap place on Ebay...got 10 AIO for $10! And they are NICE! Woo-hoo!) So, if you co...


Cloth Diaper Question/issues

A. asks from Chicago

We have been using cloth diapers for about a month. In the past week, I have been trying to rid my diapers of the ammonia smell. I have looked all over the internet f...


The Great Diaper Debate

L.T. asks from San Francisco

We currently use G-diapers for our 10 week old daughter. We are getting close to needing to move up to the the next size and I am trying to decide whether or not to s...


Seeking Cloth Diaper Recommendations

E.W. asks from Chicago

Hi ladies - I have made the decision to switch my daughter from disposable diapers to cloth diapers...but I am LOST! I have looked into the options there are out the...


Help! What Is the Best Cloth Diaper for Newborns and Infants?

T.H. asks from Los Angeles

Hi! Trying to figure out what cloth diapers to use for our newborn (when he arrives). There are so many options and it's quite overwhelming! We'd love to be enviro...


19 Month Old Won't Keep Diaper On

M.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello, My 19 month old little girl won't keep her diaper on! She takes it off the minute she is even slightly wet. Does this mean she is ready to be potty trained?...


Cloth Diaper Cleaning Services in Santa Monica/West L.A.??

C.C. asks from Los Angeles

Hi! We are expecting in late September and would like to use cloth diapers. Caveat: ONLY if we can find a cloth diaper cleaning service in the area. I tried Googling...


Prefold Cloth Diaper Tips Please

C.S. asks from Minneapolis

We are using cloth diapers this time around from a diaper service. They are standard prefolds (held together with a snappi) with Thirsties brand covers. We have 7 c...


Diaper Allergy

T.S. asks from Phoenix

Has anyone ever had or heard of a child experiencing an allergy to diapers? My 21 month old developed a sudden severe scalding-type rash all over his body. He was i...

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