That is all I want to know. No opinions on their demands, where they pee, who they pee with. Just a simple question, do you think Occupy is affiliated with a politi...
I have met many people that I would have thought "republican all the way" or vice versa and then later on down the road find out it was the other.
With the previou...
Margaret P. posted an interesting question about Sarah Palin on 8/28/08 called "politics" about how can Sarah Palin be a good mom and VP too? She posted an excerpt f...
Can people who say they are not going to vote please explain to me what they hope to accomplish by that?
It seems much more logical to vote for a third party cand...
I have a few games on my iPhone that my son has as well. He is a strict rule follower. I tend to buy the extra points needed to get the next reward or get to the ne...
Hi everyone! I was just curious about something. My 4 year mispronounces words and I'm sure that it is nothing. For example he and his brother were singing and instea...
In response to Mitt using his wife as his personal stand to the economic needs of American women, Rosen (DNC advisor) said Mitt shouldn't refer to his wife for any ec...
I have seen so many people who arent even able to speak or be cival. On FB I've recently seen comments as to people loosing friends over it. There are so many importa...
What are your thoughts on "Obamacare"? Are you in favor of the new healthcare reform or not in favor? I whole heartedly believe reform MUST happen in a major way. ...
Hi all - I am normally sane, rational, and optimistic, even in a world with lots of questionable media and where horrible wars and things are done in the name of prof...