My dad is a hard core Republican. and he is out there every day fighting along side me.
Injustice has no political party.
Education is the way to look at this.
I no longer see myself as a hard core Liberal.
I no longer see myself as a Democrat.
I now see myself as a human. who has been hurt by a system that was suppose to be there to protect my best interests.
But instead they gave me a choice. Live or die. Knowing full well, if I lived I would forever be strapped to them...paying them back for saving my life.
When you get out there, with the people you hear the anger. You see they are hurting. You get the hostel first response's from them...Because their very value has been chipped at now for years.
they only thing human left for them to do is defend themselves. and even just Questioning why we are out there is an attack when you have been beaten down for so long.
My dad and his republican friends join us...because they know my story. Because they understand being a live should not be considered only LUCK of the drawn. It should not be given and taken as they see fit.
There is not Political Party big enough to hold the title for this movement.
Here is a a video of our March Last Friday.
A Ten year old home school kiddo made this as a project.
I am at the end. And I speak the truth in what this movement means. As do all the others who stand untied to defeat those who have tried to take over the human power of survival.
this is only the beginning of an amazing Revolution.
Here is a video made of the Occupy Seattle Movement...Which has not been a very Peaceful movement due to police Brutality.
We need every one to understand Humanity for ALL should come before The wealth and Concern of the PEOPLE inside the mega Corporations. We need to remember Corporations are people...Because they are run by people. Set up to make money for those at the top. They have never cared about anyone but their own bankers and bottom lines.
The Masses that are forming are peaceful masses.
They are being invaded by PAID people that are to go in there and stir up trouble.
When you have people trying to make a point that they are being disfranchised and silence by the Police. The very same Police that they are trying to protect.
Our Police forces have turned into Private military forces...because even the men and women who fight for our country feel that we have lost our voice's.!
this footage shows the crowd moments before they opened fire.
they shot people going into help someone that had been hit. They shot those people with pellet bombs. We are unarmed. and not bored.