My grandson who is almost 9 loves First Aid stuff. He has a very nice first aid kit and got more excited over that than any gift he has ever I need some i...
Ladies -
This question isn't for me, but to help a co-worker. Do police departments, or fire houses, or schools offer certificates for kids in their tween years w...
Does anyone know if there is a law regarding to how old a kid must be to babysit or stay at home alone? If you are not aware of any laws, your opinion of the appropri...
I'm having a hard time finding private swim instructors. I have 2 boys, we have a pool and also have access to a community pool. My 5 yo had a hard time with the la...
Hi Moms,
I have 3 little kids and am a military spouse, so my husband is often gone. Whenever there is a first aid minor problem (worse than needing a little band...
My son is 8 1/2 months old and I think he is ready to be eating finger foods like Gerber puffs, but I am TERRIFIED of him choking. He meets all the criteria that the...
We have 4 daughters that are 13, 11, 8, & 6. The 13 & 11 year old are allowed to stay by themselves with no problems. My husband & I have been debating over whether...
Hi Mamas,
My 16 month old daughter was sitting on my lap in the waiting room of our pediatrician's office snacking on cheerios and apple (cut up into tiny pea size...
We have just bought a home with an in-ground pool and I'm wondering about pool safety. My kids are 12, 10, and 8. When is it acceptable to let them swim without any...
I am a SAHM and have started looking for a babysitter for my toddler and baby and I am so nervous about leaving my children with someone other than family. Up to thi...