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Results 51-60 from 65 articles

Mental Meltdown in Progress

S.M. asks from Fort Collins

I am usually a really happy person, I really enjoy getting out of the house at least once a day to do some form of an activity with my daughter (almost 2yrs) anything...


"Mommy Doesn't Play with Us"........

R.M. asks from Austin

My 4 1/2 year old boy said to my 6 year old daughter last night as they were going to sleep...."why doesn't Mommy play with us?" I was listening right outside the doo...



A.M. asks from Phoenix

I would like comments and suggestions from people who have been personally homeschooled. I've read the general pro's and con's. I have also read a lot from mom's who...


Activites with Goals

L.M. asks from Chicago

TIA for reading my lengthy post!! :) So my husband and I believe that the kids should be in an activity that teaches them to set a goal for themselves and work to ...


JFF: What's Your Job?

M.B. asks from Washington DC

Are you a SAHM, or not? What does your husband/spouse do? Do you have any hobbies/side jobs (that you may get a little money for)? I'm a SAHM of four. I do pain...


Teenager Under-achiever

A.N. asks from Columbus

My 17 y.o. daughter is very intelligent, book-smart. However, she doesn't like to put forth a lot of effort for any thing. She figured out reading basically on her ow...


For Those Moms Who Gave up a Career to Stay Home... or Thought About It

D.M. asks from Denver

So so torn... IF it were possible to give up my job - which I love, which pays over 100K per year.. which is flexible with my schedule (other than occaional overnig...


Seeking Parenting Advice

M.A. asks from Pocatello

I have a 14 year old daughter that is failing 5 of her 8 classes in school she has a bad attitude towards everything. She mentioned when she turns 16 shes dropping ou...


Monotony of Being a SAHM

M.P. asks from Sacramento

I just want to start out by saying I'm very blessed. I have a wonderful, loving husband who has a great job which allows me to stay home with our two children. I have...


Public or Private

B.H. asks from Dallas

Are your children in public school or private or home school? Why did you choose this route?

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