christmas ball

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Results 81-90 from 2,191 articles

Birthday Ideas for My Son Who Was Born the Day After Christmas

A.T. asks from Las Vegas

Hi, I would like to receive some fun ideas to make my son's birthday special each year. He was born the day after Christmas. He will be one this year. Many people I'...


Christmas Party Snack for 1St Grade?

L.F. asks from Harrisburg

Does anyone have any cute Christmas Party snack ideas? I would like to do something healthy but festive and fun for my son's first grade Christmas party. Any sugges...


Christmas Gift for Son Serving in the Middle East

V.G. asks from Chattanooga

My 20-year old son is serving active duty in the Middle East. I don't have a clue what to do for him for Christmas. Any suggestions?


Christmas Gift Ideas for My 18Mos. Old Twins

A.T. asks from Chicago

Any christmas gift suggestions on my boy/girl 18 mos. old twins? I'm open to anything.


Christmas Presents

S.O. asks from Chicago

What are you doing for Christmas presents this year? I am trying to cut back this year on Christmas because I have not worked in almost 2 years and money is starting ...


Christmas Cookies

✤.J. asks from Dover

I know it's a little bit early to think about this, but I've already started worrying. I am a kitchen-kinda girl. I love to cook & bake & Christmas is a really grea...


What Would You Suggest We Should Buy for Christmas for Our 5 Year Olds?

L.D. asks from Santa Fe

Hi and thanks for looking! We have one boy and one girl who will be 5 next month. We're looking for what to buy for them for Christmas this year. We are planning...


Craft Ideas for SMALL Christmas Tree

M.B. asks from Denver

Hi Mama's, This Christmas I would like to send my mother a very small Christmas tree (1 ft. or so) to brighten her home, and I would like my 4 year old son to help...


Roughly How Much Do You Spend on Each Kid at Christmas Time??

S.T. asks from Kansas City

Just wondering what others do for Christmas when they have more than one kid?? I have a 7 year old and a 3 year old and the 7 year old is now getting into more expens...


JFF: What Will Your Pet Find Under the Christmas Tree?

C.R. asks from Kansas City

Santa always brings our pets treats in their stockings. We do not buy them individual toys, clothes, or bedding type things. What type of things do your pets get for ...

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