Christmas Cookies - Milford,DE

Updated on December 01, 2011
✤.J. asks from Milford, DE
10 answers

I know it's a little bit early to think about this, but I've already started worrying. I am a kitchen-kinda girl. I love to cook & bake & Christmas is a really great time for me because of this. I normally make between 12 & 16 types of cookies with about 6-8 dozen of each variety. Out of these, really only a couple of them do not call for nuts. I was in the grocery store the other day & the price of nuts in general this year is absolutely INSANE!! I'm actually concerned that I'm either going to be forced to spend upwards of $150 just on my ingredients or not be able to make nearly what I normally do which really bums me out.

Has anyone else noticed this? Do you have any special places you buy nuts & the like from to save? I suppose I could go online to order them from somewhere, but I don't want to pay shipping & we're on a cash-only system right now so buying online is a pain. Suggestions?

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So What Happened?

I probably should have been more specific. I'm not a snob, but I'm definitely a foodie. Changing all of my recipes to ones that don't include nuts is not the solution for me. Like one Mama said, there are a lot of recipes where the nut itself is the star & that's mostly what I make with a few exceptions. I understand a lot of people don't like nuts, or prefer their baked goods without them, but my family does not fall into that category. I would not hesitate to change my cookies from 15 types to 3 if that's what it took for me to make our favorites, I was just hoping there would be some suggestions on where to find better deals on nuts. The closest Trader Joe's is over an hour away, but it might be worth a trip up there to do some fancy grocery shopping at the same time as purchasing all of my baking supplies.

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answers from Washington DC on

Well, you could leave out the nuts on some where they don't make a huge difference in the cookie? Or switch to less expensive ones (like to pecan pieces from walnuts)? Trader Joe's has good deals on nuts, and my Father-in-law loves to buy nuts for snacks at Nutz Online (Hope I spelled that right). He says the prices are really good.

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answers from Chicago on

If you have a blains farm and fleet store near you go there. I have a small candy business. Like you nuts are the star in a lot of my candy. It is the only place I have found with reasonable prices. aldi's is also lower priced for nuts and their walnuts and pecans are both very good. but forget the regular grocery stores.

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answers from Chicago on

I haven't been there in awhile, so I don't know if prices have gone up significantly, but Trader Joes has always had the lowest prices on nuts!

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answers from Dallas on

Nuts are going to be pricey because of the drought this year. Have you checked the price of peanut butter lately??It's crazy! I am not certain that buying online will even be that big of a savings, especially when you add in the cost of shipping. We have been skipping the nuts in recipes when possible. Thinking from a financial perspective, you may have to rethink the recipes in your tradition.

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answers from Jacksonville on

Have you tried a local food stand or farmers market? We have a pecan tree that is going crazy and I've just been giving them away. Someone local probably won't charge as much per pound. Its worth a look.

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answers from San Antonio on

I'd find more recipes that don't require nuts. I have one that I love - it is basically a sugar cookie, with heath bar crumbles, rolled in sugar, then put on the pan. I think they're called "Sparkling Butter Toffee Cookies" by land-o-lakes. PM me if you want the recipe.

But as a non-nut-eater myself, I'd almost always pick a cookie from a cookie platter that was NO nuts. I'll eat nuts, but I'd prefer them not in my cookies and brownies.

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answers from Seattle on

It was the wacky year this year. A lot of crops failed in some areas, but went bumper in others.

Just make sure to CALL before schlepping out!

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answers from Milwaukee on

I'm in the same boat. Some are just going to go "nut less."

My family and friends will survive JUST FINE! :)

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answers from Minneapolis on

I never put nuts in my cookies or sweet breads. my kids and I are the only ones that like them here. They still taste great as far as I'm concerned and there's never been any complaints from hubby either.

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answers from Medford on

I dont think most baked goods need nuts. I make a great banana bread, zuchinni bread, and pumpkin bread and never put nuts in them. I dont add them to brownies or chocolate chip, oatmeal or any other cookie. No one complains. I do use walnuts when I make Jam Thumbprints because you roll the cookie ball in the nuts and bake. The nut is necessary. And if you want to make that chocolate cookie with the half a pecan on top, of course you need the pecan! Try using other things instead of nuts. m&m candies, cranberries, dried fruit, sprinkles or any other thing that will add some color, or crunch to the item. If you are making things for little kids, try smooshing a gummy bear into the top of it, or on the frosting. They will love it and wont care about the lack of nuts.

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