career schools

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Results 51-60 from 1,679 articles

Question for Teachers at Poor Performing Schools

L.O. asks from Detroit

This is a question for all the teachers out there. My husband and I are sending our daughter to a "school of choice" in another school district. Our local school -- ...


Things That Schools Don't Teach but Are Critical to Child's Success

M.S. asks from Boston

I am interested in your opinions on things that are critical to our childrens' success in life but are not the focus in our schools. A few examples that I think o...


Waiting for Superman/ What Are Your Thoughts on Improving Our Schools

C.M. asks from Dallas

Have you seen this documentary? What are your thoughts on it? I am really wanting to see it, but don't know if I'm brave enough to push through the Dallas traffic. ...


Suggestions for Moving Schools Mid Year

S.K. asks from Fayetteville

Our family is likely to move this fall. My daughter starts 1st grade on Monday, but the place we will move to, the year starts Sept. 4th. I want her to start at her...


Child Changing Schools or Long Commute?

H.C. asks from Chicago

Hi, My husband is starting a new job and it is for two years and then we will be moving back to our hometown permanently. The job is two hours from our hometown. W...


Terrified About Public Schools!! Can Anyone Help Please!

N.O. asks from Dallas

My 5 yr old daughter is currently attending a pre-K 5 class in a Mesquite church. They offer Kindergarten there as well but that's the highest level. I am not sure ...


Single Mom Back in College - Seeking Advice on Transfer Schools

S.S. asks from Chicago

Hello - I'm trying to see if there are any other moms out there that have been able to college by taking mostly if not all classes online. I am a single mother and ...


New Career Ideas for My Mom Who Broke Her Tail Bone

G.R. asks from San Diego

My mother is going through workman's comp right now (7 years and still going). She feel broke her tailbone in two places and has two degenrative disks form the fall t...


Experiences Needed on Kids Going to Different High Schools

K.C. asks from Tampa

My girls are 1 year apart in school and because we have so many choices in our area (trust me, not necessarily a good thing), we may end up sending our kids to differ...


Trustworthy Online Schools and Links That Wont Steal Your Identity

D.S. asks from Houston

so i was going to go to school to get my accounting associates degree. but that isnt happening I am working 2 jobs have a 2 yr old with medical problems that are goin...

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