... he will be there for 2 years.
It is a 2 hour commute back 'home' back and forth both ways.
After awhile... the 2 hour commute,both ways, everyday 5 days a week... will take its toll. And then, possibly, he will not... be coming home every darn day, doing the 2 hour commute, 5 days a week.
And what about when he has to stay at work late or for other job demands?
That throws a kink, into the 2 hour commute and his coming home 'by' 7:00pm.
Even without a 2 hour commute, many Husbands do come home even later than 7:00pm daily, from work. They work, long hours.
The 'cumulative' wear and tear, upon a person, doing a 2 hour commute, both ways, 5 days a week, daily, and having a 10 hour work day... will be, tangible. And stressful.
And affect, you all. Over, time.
It is, daunting.
Know that.
It is nice, your Husband is thinking about the emotional/psychological ramifications of your daughter per school and adjusting, thus wanting her to be at her home school. Instead of having to switch schools and have to make friends all over again.
Yes, that is important to a child. And to you all as a family.
BUT... a 2 hour commute, daily, both ways... is going to be very tiring. Over time. And possibly a real burn out. For him, for the family.
But wow, he is willing to do that, for his daughter.