Does anybody know of an organic bug killer that actually works. I am trying to substitute raid because I don't like spraying it in the house with all those nasty che...
What bug repellant should I use on my toddler son? I've heard that it should contain deet. I'm concerned with him getting the repellant in his mouth as he likes to ...
My 5 year old came home today with literally 10-15 bug bites all over his body. How do I prevent bugs from getting to him? Is there a safe, natural way???
My daughter and I were attacked by mosquitoes this past weekend. I managed to take most of the damage (about 40 or 50 bites) but a few got through and my 9 month old ...
Hello mama's! My daughter gets eaten alive by mosquitos when nobody else around even sees them. Even with bug spray seems like nothing helps prevention wise...
My family and I live in a largely populated mosquito area and on top of that we are heading to my former state of MN for a week up North where mosquito's are even wor...
Hi Mamas! I just LOVE being outside in the spring, summer & fall. I truely enjoy gardening so a lot of my time outside is with the plants and ultimately, bugs. It ...
Has anyone ever used a bug bomb? I need to because I have these HUGE black bugs that fly around...they are actually amusing to watch LOL They hit the ceiling a few ...
Hi ladies. So my 8 year old son got sick yesterday with stomach bug. He only threw up 3 times, and was fine for rest of yesterday. We split 50/50 custody so today my ...
Does anyone know of a sunscreen that includes a bug repellant (30% DEET is what my pediatrician recommended) that is good to use on our kiddos? My little guy is 18 mo...