I had that problem with both of my children. My oldest did it because he got a ... teeth grinding at this age is called Bruxism - it is normal and not an ...
Y'all, my daughter will sometimes come and get into our bed with us in the middle of the night, and I've noticed a couple of times lately that she is grinding her tee...
I thought I'd put both my new dilema's in one post I hope thats ok.
My 2 year old keeps taking his diaper off whether its wet or not. Does this mean he's ready to b...
Both my children have done this, we even had a consultation with a dentist ... and there are a number of reasons. google "bruxism in children" and you'll ...
I just noticed that the 8 mo girl that I watch is grinding her teeth. I'm not sure if she does it in her sleep, but she definately does it while awake. I called the m...
My two year old son has been grinding his teeth during the night for a few weeks now. He is grinding them so hard that it is really loud. I don't know if t...
I'm a dental hygienist and it's not uncommon at all for children to grind their teeth and yes, sometimes it can .....bruxism children · pull out baby teeth ...
My 4 1/2 year old daughter grinds her teeth like crazy when she sleeps. If I catch her doing it I massage her cheeks and she will then stop. Any ideas on how to stop...
We weaned our child off the pacifier about 6 months ago and now I've noticed her grinding her teeth. I can hear the sound of her teeth grinding together and it drive...