breast changes during pregnancy

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Results 151-160 from 1,473 articles

Losing Weight After Pregnancy

A.B. asks from Tulsa

I just had a daughter 7 wks ago and am struggling to lose weight. I'm not breastfeeding because after two weeks of breastfeeding I dried up and was no longer able. I'...


Post Pregnancy Period

D.G. asks from Philadelphia

I'm a little embarassed to be writing this, but I'm also pretty desperate. I got my period for the first time 9 1/2 months after I gave birth. I should mention that...


Is It Safe to Get Breast Implants If You Plan on Nursing Again?

K.B. asks from Chicago

I have always had 2 different sized breasts, but since I've been nursing, it has gotten worse. One is a B cup while the other is a D cup. I would like to get this cor...


Seeking Info on Boosting Breast Milk Supply

J.W. asks from Melbourne

My son is 5 1/2 months old. I went back to work at 3 months. When I started back I was pumping twice a day and getting about 4-5 ounces at each session. I am now a...


Words of Wisdom--1st Pregnancy

R.L. asks from Roanoke

Well, I'm officially joining the ranks with the rest of you--I'm pregnant!!! My husband and I are excited, we've been trying for a few months, and this is our first....


2 Negative Pregnancy Test and 1 Positive

T.W. asks from Miami

Ok, so I my period started on the 14th of March ( which made me 8 days late from my regular date) On the 30th I started feeling really bad. Sore tender heavy breast ...


Diaper Rash Due to New Pregnancy?

M.F. asks from New York

Hello Ladies, I have asked your help and opinions before and you guys have always been great. I am newly pregnant and am still nursing my 2 year old daughter. About ...


Need Lots of Advice! New Pregnancy

C.B. asks from Cleveland

We just found out we are pregnant with #3!! A few things I'd like to ask for some advice on are, 1)What types of slings did any of you use that you loved? My 2nd baby...


Losing Weight Causing Reduction in Breast Milk Production- HELP!

G.M. asks from Dallas

I have exclusively breastfed my 3 1/2 month old daughter. Since I've been back at work the last 6-7 weeks, I've kept track of how much I pump. It's been gradually an...


Anti-Depressants During Pregnancy And/or Nursing

M.M. asks from Las Cruces

I am a 31 year old mom of 2 young ones. I have been struggling with mild depression for much of my life. I have sought counseling on and off during the most difficu...

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