brand home pregnancy test

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Pregnancy Question...

N.R. asks from Chicago

I posted a question about a month ago now that I was a week late and that the home PT were negative. I went to my doctor's office a day after my missed period and he...


Pregnancy Tests

D.D. asks from New York

Could you please offer some opinions on this. It is driving me crazy. My husband and I are ttc. My period is due tomorrow. By chance I had a doctor's appointment ...


False-Negative Pregnancy Tests

L.D. asks from Chicago

Hi everyone! My hubby and I have been trying to conceive baby #2 for about 7 months now. My cycle is like a clock - I always have spotting the day before my period ...


New Pregnancy!

S.S. asks from Wilmington

I JUST found out I was pregnant, the test showed positive! It was faint but a plus. The doctore can't get me in until April 14th but I wanted to see if anyone had a...


Hypothyroidism After Pregnancy

A.R. asks from Cincinnati

Hello, My daughter just turned 13 months and I went to my doctor for an annual checkup and they did a blood test. I went to the doctor yesterday for the results a...


Two Positive Pregnancy Tests Yesterday and Two Negative Today

T.V. asks from Dallas

I took two pregnancy tests yesterday and both were positive. The first one had a faint line so I took the test that said "pregnant" or "not pregnant" and it said I wa...


How Reliable Are the Pregnancy Tests from the Dollar Tree Store?

S.T. asks from Kansas City

in your opinion, are they as reliable as the name brand ones? i have posted a couple of tiems in the past couple weeks about being worried I may be preggo, even thoug...


Period 4 Days Late, Negative Pregnancy Tests

L.F. asks from Chicago

My husband and I are trying for our second child and I am currently 4 days late (I am almost never late on a 28 day cycle). I took a pregnancy test when I was one da...


Trying to Concieve Question About Possible Pregnancy

B.J. asks from Miami

so ive been ttc since feb of this year, i got my period feb 22 it was ahead by a whole week i usually get it on the 28th of every month, that period wasnt normal at a...


Brown Discharge When I Wipe After the Urination with Pregnancy Symptoms

M.T. asks from Norfolk

Hi, I had a missed period with pregnancy symptoms(28 days cycle with last priop on 9th Dec). From the past 3 days i see a little brown discharge when i wipe after th...

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