bowel movement in infant

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R.L. asks from San Francisco

Any suggestions for my 11 month old daughter who's been constipated for 3 days now and is in pain when she does get the chance to have a bowel movement. - She has no ...


Help with Constipation

K.R. asks from Detroit

My son is 11 weeks old and has not had a bowel movement in 5 days. Any suggestions? I have already tried what the doctor suggested. I tried karo syrup in a bottle ...


Seeking Help for Toddler Constipation

A.R. asks from Indianapolis

I have a 2 year old daughter that has not had a bowel movement in about a week. Her doctor said that this is common in toddlers that are potty training. Does anyone ...


Toddler Won't "Poop"

D.T. asks from Tampa

Hi again everyone. well, the diaper rash went away, but now my almost 3 year old is having trouble having a bowel movement. I don't know if it is mental or if he is...


Poly-Vi-Sol Cause Constipation??

A.M. asks from Chicago

Hi Mommies! Has anyone's child become constipated after taking the vitamin suppl Poly-Vi-Sol? My daughter who is about 5 months and has NEVER had any problems in the...


Constipation in a Breastfed Newborn ??

R.S. asks from Sheboygan

My daughter will be 6 weeks tomorrow. Last Monday we found out she has acid reflux and she was placed on medicine. We have been through reflux with our son so thought...


My Son Has BAD Constipation Problems

L.G. asks from Yakima

My son is 13mos and he's had a constipation problem for about 3 mos now. We've tried prune juice, and putting him on high fiber diets...we've tried only fruit and jui...


Glycerin Suppository

A.C. asks from New York

My 6-month-old has not had a bowel movement in 6 days and even though he shows no sign of discomfort and his pee diapers are quite wet, I've been wondering whether I ...



M.P. asks from Detroit

Does anyone have any idea how to get my infants bowl movement moving? She is so constipated all the time. We have tried everything.


2 Month 3 Week Old Only Pooping Once Every Other Day

J.W. asks from Chicago

My son Aiden is 2 mon 3 wks old and eats about 4 oz every 3.5 - 4 hours. I noticed he is only have a bowel movement only once every other day. I've tried thining out ...

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