birth control the ring

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Yaz Birth Control

H.M. asks from Chicago

Has anyone taken Yaz birth control? I have read some very scary things on the internet and am concerned to take it. My Dr. has prescribed it for my moods prior to my ...


What Birth Control Method Works for You?

L.S. asks from Seattle

I just had baby number four two weeks ago and am trying to decide on a permanent or semi-permanent form of birth control. What do you like, what don't you like and ...


Problems with Birth Control

D.S. asks from Washington DC

I just gave birth to my second son eight months ago and I just got my first real period since feb 02'.I was wondering what birth control should I use. That would not ...


Insomnia from Birth Control?

A.R. asks from Houston

Hi Moms, I need some help! I recently started taking a progestin only birth control pill about 12 days ago and have experienced severe insomnia for about a week. It ...


Implanon- Birth Control

J.S. asks from San Antonio

I just had my 4th child and am looking for a new birth control method. I've had the copper IUD and go endometriosis. I had the merena IUD and it perferated my uterus ...


Endometriosis and Birth Control

L.F. asks from Austin

I have a friend who has been diagnosed with endometriosis and was on Yasmin, but then switched to Ortho tri birth control. The hormones have affected her really adver...


Breastfeeding and Birth Control

C.B. asks from Kansas City

When I was breastfeeding my oldest son, my husband and I chose to just use condoms for birth control because we wanted to have another baby soon. Now that we've just...


Birth Control Advice

N.H. asks from Chattanooga

I am a SAHM to two little boys under two, and I want to start some type of birth control because I can't handle any new addittions at this time ;) Anyway, I was on t...


Non Hormonal Birth Control

S.Q. asks from Boston

Hi, its that time to seek out birth control. However, my experience with the pill and mirena (5yr iud) have not been good ones. They seem to throw me into a depressio...


Birth Control Options

K.R. asks from Minneapolis

I recently stopped breastfeeding my youngest child, at 15 months, so I made the switch from the "mini-pill" I've been using back to the regular birth control pill (Lo...

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