best school

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Results 81-90 from 65,804 articles

To Home School or Not to Home School

D.E. asks from Shreveport

I feel like my 6 year old is having a hard time in school in all areas (reading,writing,spelling,math). He's getting a's and b's in school but the grades and the actu...


School Attendance

S.B. asks from Alexandria

I having trouble getting my 15 year old son to attend school, he says that he thinks he is stupid and that he can't pass. I know that he is not stupid, I do know that...


Home School or Public School

D.D. asks from Denver

My son has asked to be homeschool more than once in his 9 years of going to school. Now my 2nd child (1st grade) has asked to be homeschooled. What are some pros and ...


Best / Most Exciting School Assembly Ideas Needed!

K.C. asks from Los Angeles

The PTA at my kids' school wants to offer an amazing, exciting assembly for the entire school (TK - 6th) as a reward for meeting our fundraising goal. This year, we d...


Private School

R.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hello ladies, I was just wondering if any of you know of a good private school! I live in La Verne Ca. My son will be going to middle school and I think he is to youn...


School Research

P.H. asks from Dallas

We live in a wonderful neighborhood in Dallas, however, we are in a not so great school district. Unfortunately, private school will not be an option for our children...


Private School

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

hi has anyone heard of a private school called Viewpoint in Calabasas??? Do you have any positive or negative info that you will share with me??? I would appreci...


Walking to School

M.B. asks from Washington DC

Do you let your kids walk to school on their own? I have four girls. I have a 3rd grader(8) and a first grader(7) (also, have a 4 and 3 year old at home). They do n...


Not Liking What School Is Doing

R.P. asks from Salt Lake City

My children have a new principal this year. There is a couple things she is doing that don't seem right. How can I find out what the standards for recess, school lu...


School Photography

M.Q. asks from Chicago

I am looking for a photographer or photography studio that will take school photos. Our preschool is located in the near west suburbs.

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Answer Highlights

  • get compared to their peers in 2 answers "... that the children who are homeschooled don't often get compared to their peers."
  • graduate from high school in 2 answers "I think it is SO important for children to graduate from high school."
  • there are some awesome schools in 2 answers "(By the way, there are some AWESOME schools in DISD, ours was not one of them.) When ..."
  • vo tech in 2 answers "if he is a visual type of learner maybe he would do good with a vo-tech program."
  • traveling around the country in 2 answers "As for traveling around the country with a 6 year old I feel you should put the son ..."