My parents allowed me to walk home alone when I was 7. The FIRST week I was allowed, I got run over by a bike, and more terrifying...a man tried to coax me into his truck. I was literally THREE houses away from my own when the man came up. (My mom ran out, because she heard me screaming. I was that close.) I did know what to do, and there were a lot of people outside. However, if there hadn't been people around...I don't even want to think about it. A few months later we saw on the news, that the police were looking for a man in a white truck with a fake cop uniform (the same description of the man who tried to get me.) He abducted an 8 year old girl the town over. The cops showed up the next day, to hopefully get more of a description from me. They never found the man or the girl, that I know of. I KNOW that's pretty rare, but it still happened. It took YEARS for me to not be afraid of being alone anywhere. We lived in a VERY nice neighborhood, by the way. In fact, they still live there. Year after year, it has the lowest crime rates in the state.
No, I would not let my 7 year old walk alone. Ever. My parents regret to this day, that I had to go through that. I don't want to live with that regret, or worse. I can teach him independence in other ways. There are literally dozens and dozens of other ways to teach independence, freedom, and responsibility. While I can, I'd like to protect him in that way. Soon enough, I won't be able to...why take the chance, you know?