best school

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Results 101-110 from 65,804 articles

Looking for a School

J.D. asks from New York

my family will be moving to the toms river area later this summer and I am looking for advise for a school for our 7 year old son. He is currently in catholic school ...


School Lunches

K.M. asks from Chicago

Do you send you kid to school with a home made lunch? What is a typical lunch? How would you react if your child's school said no more packed lunches? This is go...


School Clothes

2.O. asks from Washington DC

Another Kindergarten type question.... Since my daughter will be starting Kindergarten soon I'm starting to collect school clothing for her - some new + some give...


Boarding School???

B.F. asks from New York

My daughter (7th grade) wants to go to boarding school for high school. The "apartments" are the size of a bedroom. Instead of sharing rooms, every student has their ...


Problems at School

A.J. asks from Albuquerque

I have a 6 year old who is extremely smart and capable of doing everything that is expected of him at school however, as of lately he has been whinning everytime it i...


School Supplies

K.C. asks from Portland

I have been trying to keep my family a float. Hard times have hit. I need help in getting school supplies. Im sinking and cant seem to stay afloat. I have four childr...


Separating Best Friends in Elementary School

W.M. asks from San Francisco

Do you think its ok for a parent to ask the teacher that two very close friends in elementary school not be allowed to play together during recess because that parent...


School Bullying

D.G. asks from Dallas

Happy Friday moms ! I need some more of your awesome wisdom.... My aunt's son (my cousin) is in 7th grade and is having a horrible time at school. He has been home...


Too Young for School

R.S. asks from Toledo

My son is 2 1/2 and everytime i take my 6year old daughter to school he cries for dear life saying he wants to go to school, hes not yet potty trained all the way,and...


Daughter's School .....

M.G. asks from Seattle

I'm a bit annoyed by my daughter's school today. She is 8 years old and in the 2nd grade. The nurse called me to let me know that she said she isn't feeling well and ...

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