I would like to know what limitations public schools have on allowing visitors to be with children at school. I have been informed by my children that my ex's family...
My DD is a HS jr and is researching colleges. She only wants to consider private universities that are on the rung just below the top Ivy league schools. She is sma...
is there anyone that knows of online schools that you can take some of the nursing classes at i need to take the classes asap some where it is not to expensive or tim...
Today my son receive an unsign letter stating "I had a bad day, because Jackson is an "obscene name"." This really bummed him out, he want's to transfer schools. Any ...
What are your thoughts on switching schools in the middle of the school year for a first grader? We are selling our house and planning to rent- we wanted to re-locat...
My husband is considering a tranfer to Fort Wayne Indiana. We have two little girls ages 5 & 7. I don't know the first thing about this area, its schools, neighborhoo...
My job may require that I move from Houston to Chicago. I am a single mom of a 6 year old son that doesn't have a high salary at all and probably won't be making muc...
I am looking for an alternative school that is small,perhaps a Charter school that teaches Bible classes. Ofcourse, Private Christian schools from 10th grade-12th gr...
My daughter has been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrone, a form of autisism. Where can I send her for High school that she will learn to to self sufficient and be safe.
It seems there are a few different schools of thought on consuming refined sugar...
A. It's toxic for the body and should be avoided
B. Everything in moderation