best get pregnant

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Results 241-250 from 31,918 articles

Pregnant with an IUD

M.S. asks from Los Angeles

I just found out that I am 30 weeks pregnant with my third child. I had no idea I was pregnant and I went in to have the my Mirena IUD checked. I was getting ready ...


Low progesterone...can I Still Get Pregnant?

A.B. asks from Kansas City

Hey mamas. I'm freaking out a little and want to hear from anyone who knows anything about hormones. I have a 2 year old that was born 7 1/2 weeks premature. I al...


How Long Afte a Miscarriage Did You Get Pregnant??

S.P. asks from Nashville

My first pregnancy went wonderful and had a healthy baby girl who is now 2. Im still young and me and my hubby decided to have another one and i miscarried that baby ...


VALTREX When Pregnant

S.C. asks from Indianapolis

I am currently 10 weeks pregnant and have a terrable cold sore. I have always gotten them and normally take Valtrex when I have an out break. I called my OB to see ...


Breastfeeding and Pregnant

M.R. asks from Houston

My son is 15 months old and still nursing 4 to 5 times in a 24 hour period. Is it safe to still continue to breastfeed him while I am pregnant? Neither one of us ar...


Pregnant After Having Miscarriage

L.R. asks from Huntsville

Hello Moms! I am proud to say that after 5 months of TTC since my M/C I am now pregnant! I missed my period and took a test and it said pregnant. However, I am fee...


Tamiflu While Pregnant

M.F. asks from Phoenix

I was just diagnosed with Influenza B this morning (21 month old son has it too) and I'm 21 weeks pregnant. The info online for Tamiflu during pregnancy is conflicti...


Headaches While Pregnant

K.E. asks from Birmingham

Hi guys, I'm 18weeks pregnant and having the worst headaches of my life :( Sometimes a few times a day, but I'm not sure when the last day without at least one was......


Best Time in Cycle to Get Pregnant?

S.S. asks from Pocatello

We are ready to try for baby #2 and are very excited. My son is 26 months old now so it has been awhile since I went through the conception process. Its amazing how q...


Pregnant After Tubal?

S.C. asks from Evansville

After our last baby was born, I had a tubal ligation. I had to have a c-section & knew we were done having kids, so I figured that was the best time to have the tuba...

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Answer Highlights

  • amino acid l lysine in 2 answers "Have you ever tried using the amino acid L-Lysine?"
  • taking charge of your fertility in 2 answers "I *highly* recommend the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility""
  • genital herpes in 2 answers "As a matter of fact they give it to moms who have genital herpes about two weeks before ..."
  • go see your doctor in 2 answers "Do this for your baby. Go see your doctor."
  • middle of your cycle in 2 answers "Like the others said, Ovulation typically happens in the middle of your cycle (if ..."