My 11 month old baby need alot of attention. I buy her all these fancy educative toys but she likes them for 10 minutes and then she's done with them. I read to her (...
Hello! I have a 4 month old baby that will not take a bottle from me. If she even knows I am around she won't take the bottle from anyone. I have just started some ri...
I have an adorable 8 month daughter at home that refuses baby food and would rather eat what we are eating. I started making my own baby food for her, and she loves i...
Hope somebody can help me with this. I have a 4 month old baby boy (he is my 3rd), I have been nursing him since he was born. Ever since he was about a month old I h...
Seeking suggestions to ease the transition of a new baby for my 20 month old. My son has been the center of our universe for almost two years. I need to find a bala...
Hi, I have been looking for a baby carrier to hold my 12 month old. She weighs 21 pounds. I currently have one that was given to me that went up to 20 pounds but it w...
I have a 3 1/2 month little baby girl that is sick. Her daddy was sick and now she got it too. She has terrible chest conjestion. Her nose is not really stuffy, bu...
i was just wondering from some of you more experienced moms out there what a typical feeding schedule should be for a 7 month old baby girl. i am still nurs... here's my dilemma. My almost 8-month old is refusing his baby food. I have moved him up to stage 3 already and he will eat some of those, but all he wants is r...