baby feeding bottles

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C.G. asks from Detroit

i am having the hardest time taking my daughter off the bottle she will drink juice out of a sippy cup no problem but when it comes to milk she wants it in her bottle...


No Bottles...

A.W. asks from Grand Junction

My daughter is 11 months old and i have been breastfeeding since day one. The only problem i am having now is that she won't take a bottle. it doesnt matter if its br...


No More Bottles?

K.L. asks from Savannah

How old were your children when they were completely off the bottle? We are weaning my son from formula to milk, and when we are done with that process, we will be s...


Baby Cereal and Bottles...

K.S. asks from Detroit

Hi:) We have started our little one on cereal once a day but have been adding it to each bottle. The problem is the cereal seems to not fit through the slow flow ni...


What Do You Think of Glass Bottles?

L. asks from Minneapolis

My second baby is due next month. I need to get new bottles because my old bottles are not BPA-free. I've been considering glass bottles (maybe Born Free brand) bec...


10 Month Old & Bottles

S.H. asks from Green Bay

We have been using Avent bottles, but noticed that it takes twice as long for our son to drink from them verses a Playtex bottle that we have. We even have him at th...


Dr. Browns Bottles

L.C. asks from Dallas

Does anyone else have an extreme disliking for these stinkin bottles? And now they claim that the bottles preserve vitamins! Come on now.... I know this question is...


tBaby Bottles - Recall ??

J.Z. asks from Columbus

Hi there. We saved the bottles (not the nipples) from our youngest child who was born in 2007. We are pregnant with baby # 3 and plan on resuing the bottles but my...


Bottle Feeding Breastfed Baby

M.K. asks from Salt Lake City

My baby is 5 weeks old. We started trying to give her a bottle with expressed breast milk at 3 1/2 weeks to mixed results. We missed a couple of days last week and no...

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