No More Bottles? - Fort Stewart,GA

Updated on January 06, 2012
K.L. asks from Fort Stewart, GA
15 answers

How old were your children when they were completely off the bottle? We are weaning my son from formula to milk, and when we are done with that process, we will be switching to milk in the bottle to milk in the sippy cup. I was just curious how long this process took for other parents. Thanks!

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answers from Raleigh on

14 mos for both kids. They weaned themselves off around this time, and preferred straight sippy cup.

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answers from New York on

There is an almost 4 year old at my babsitters who I saw walking around with a bottle. That is definetly too old!! Most kids are done with it completely by 2 but my son never took one.

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answers from Augusta on

We did both at the same time with my son right at 1 year and he was fine within a week or two. They love their milk. They'll take it however they can get it. The only real adjustment was getting used to how the milk flows from the cup. But he picked up on it pretty quickly.

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answers from Los Angeles on

At 13 months his pediatrician said it was time, he went off them cold turkey that night, along with his pacifier (which i couldn't find) and in 3 days he was done with both and never looked back. And, I have to say, while he fussed very little, the majority of it was for the pacifier! ; )

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answers from Dallas on

13 months. I just took it away, so it was immediate. There was really no process.

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answers from Boca Raton on

breastfed till 12 months old..
bottle from 13 months to 17 months
Staw cup from 18th month

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answers from Kansas City on

Most of my kids were between 12 months and 14 months old. I think they need that sucking for at least that long and then the sippy cup. With some we had a harder time finding one they liked but there are so many out there now you can find one they like. I breast fed longer with my last two and that was easiest to go to cup than the ones that had been on bottles or breast and bottle. I think some are just more attached to the bottle than others. I just cut out a feeding for a bit then cut out another and finally just was nursing at night. Right after a year old I cut that out. Just do it slowly in cutting feedings with the bottle or try it like you said right to sippy cup but be prepared if your child needs to go more slowly and maybe a bottle once in awhile at first, like nighttime or one time a day, etc.

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answers from Missoula on

My son got sick around 11 1/2 months and we took him off formula/dairy because it was making his symptoms worse. We just stopped the bottles of formula cold turkey and he never looked back.
I have a nine month-old now, so I'm interested to read the responses you get. I'm hoping to learn how to wean from bottles more gradually :)

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answers from Anchorage on

Mine were about 13 or 14 months

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answers from Dallas on

I didn't rush it either (well, with my first I did), they eventually all give it up when they are ready. My first son I tried so hard and drove myself mad trying to get him off a bottle. My second child, she loved watching big brother with his sippy cups and as soon as he'd walk away, she picked his up and one day realized how the thing worked and that was that. My third baby learned how to drink from a crazy straw first and then one day when I was at wal-mart I saw these cheap plastic cups with built in straws and she was hooked. Although, my last one is 3 and still asks for a bottle here and there but I just tell her I don't have anymore and she seems satisfied with that answer.

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answers from Phoenix on

None of my kids were ever on a bottle. When my oldest was 9 months old, he stopped nursing and went straight to a sippy cup.

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answers from Des Moines on

My son was around 14 months old.

The last couple of months was just one bedtime bottle of formula. We never did regular milk in a bottle as we were told by the pediatrician that it confusing and to just start by giving sippy of milk in place of a normal bottle and each week replace on of the feedings until you are transitioned over. Also - this was stressful for me for awhile as I was worried about how much milk he was getting as he adjusted to this. My advice if this is the case - don't worry about how much he is drinking while you're making the transition. As time passed, his quantity increased. Good luck!

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answers from Oklahoma City on

We didn't rush it, they were done sometime when they were mostly 2+. Think about it.

Milk is milk is milk.

It does not matter if it comes out of a bottle, a tippy cup, a paper cup with a straw, milk is still milk and it still put in the tummy by way of the mouth. Why battle about the means of it getting there unless it is posing a health issue.

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answers from Los Angeles on

my daughter was an early bird. we had her fully off the bottle at 7 months. people tell me it was too early but she wouldnt have done it if she wasnt ready. it took about 2 days for us. but children are all different and it may take your little one longer :) some kids dont like to drink the milk out of the sippy

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answers from Washington DC on

My son was off the bottle by his first birthday, but we did the process a bit differently than you. He NEVER had anything but breastmilk or formula in a bottle (I mean the point is to mimic a breast, right?) Whole milk and water ALWAYS came in a sippy cup.

I DID continue to breastfeed until closer to 2 years, but that was only once a day by then.

Another friend who stopped breastfeeding around 9 months had success doing the same thing I did. Formula in a bottle, milk in a cup. I think the earlier you get rid of the bottle, the less of an issue it is.

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