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Results 31-40 from 314 articles

Parental Involvement in School?

J.W. asks from St. Louis

As an answer to a question today I placed the decline of school effectiveness in the lack of parental involvement. I get the feeling people have differing opinions a...


13Yo Daughter Having Issues with School, Sorry Its So Long

K.W. asks from Los Angeles

My 13yo daugter is driving me crazy! She has become lax and very nonchalant when it comes to school work. My daughter was on honor roll throughout elementary even in ...


What Can I Do to Help My 12 Yr Old Not Take So Long to Do Homework

J.B. asks from St. Louis

My daughter is 12yrs old and in the 7th grade.It takes her awhile to get her homework as well as in-school assignments complete.Like today for instance was traumatic,...


What's the Best Way to Teach Multiplication?

⊱.⊰. asks from Spokane

My son is struggling with his mutliplication. I bought him flashcards, printed out sheets of problems and he has a math book. Last night I sat with him and we went ...


4Th Grade Math- Common Core

A.H. asks from Montgomery

Okay moms, school has started and with it the dreaded homework. Last year for my daughter (she was in 3rd grade) was terrible. We went from A honor roll to AB, ev...


Math Mad Minute

C.G. asks from Houston

What do you moms think about the Math Mad Minute? I hate it! My second grader is good at math and likes it, but he just doesn't do well on the mad minute (30 proble...


Need Advise Raising a Teenager

D.C. asks from Los Angeles

My son the oldest of all, is giving a really hard time. He is testing my limits, has been failing every class for the last 3 quarters, and now is talking back to the ...


Gifted and!

K.K. asks from San Diego

Hello, I was recently informed that my son (7) is most likely gifted. He does great in school, but I never thought that he was superior (or different) than his peer...


Skipping Kindergarten?

M.K. asks from Sacramento

My sons pre-school teacher recommended we look into 'skipping' kindergarten with our son who's almost 5. We are going to look into it. We do not take it lightly by ...


Homework Dilemma, Am I Really This Stupid?

K.S. asks from Denver

So first of all, I am amazed at the homework my poor DD receives each night. Easily two hours worth- she is 12 and in the 7th grade. I am envious of those news storie...

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Answer Highlights

  • needs to know by the end of kindergarten in 2 answers "I looked at the standards and what he needs to know by the end of kindergarten and ..."
  • male role model in 2 answers "BBBS is a great organization that will match your son with a male role model who will ..."
  • straight into first grade in 2 answers "... hesitant to have your son skip Kindergarten and go straight into first grade."
  • our school district tests in 2 answers "... and the book has helped me a lot with him. Our school district tests ..."
  • multiplication tables in 7 answers "When I was a kid, the teacher had the class chant the multiplication tables out loud ..."