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Results 71-80 from 1,092 articles

Any Ones Else Feel like Murdering Your Computer over Christmas Cards!

I.X. asks from Los Angeles

I just switched from PC to mac. I 'm trying to make my christmas card and am getting nowhere in MyPublisher. I've made albums from my publisher, but this is the fis...


How Much Sleep Do You Get a Night?

J.R. asks from Miami

Dear Mommas, Some eves I am so tired, I want to conk out. And I am a SAHM with only with one child and a semi part time job teaching at a local college. :) Yet, I cra...


Digital Scrapbooking

T.R. asks from Dallas

Has anyone used a digital scrapbooking program? I have played with Creative Memories free version, and I think I could do this much easier than the cut and paste met...


Other Choices Besides Shutterfly?

M.K. asks from Stationed Overseas

I have used Kodak Gallery for years to share photos with friends and families and now because they went bankrupt they are shutting down the site and moving everything...


What to Do with Sympathy Cards

L.G. asks from La Crosse

My father passed away in January, and it seems as if my stepmother is trying to erase his memory from her life. On the day of the funeral, she placed several garbage...


In Loving Memory Album

♥.O. asks from Washington DC

I lost my father on Wednesday. I would like to get the family together when everyone is feeling up to it, not any time soon, and make a remembrance album. I was think...


Seeking Marketing Ideas from Other Mothers!

P.B. asks from Dallas

Hi Mamasource Moms! Fourteen months ago I had my daughter and decided to quit my full time job and stay home to raise her. Eight months ago, I decided to star...


Teacher Gift Ideas**Handmade

J.W. asks from Dallas

I know it's only October, but I have to start my planning now. I am needing homemade teacher gift ideas from you all! My daughter's teacher like pottery and anything ...


Jff- Did Your Ex Keep the Things You Gave Him?

T.K. asks from Dallas

This is a spinoff of Just Ms question. Do you think your ex kept the things you gave him or tossed it? Would it be wierd if he did? I was with my ex-husband for a...


Husband Is Friends W/ Ex-girlfriend

S.P. asks from Seattle

Hi Mamas – I really need your advice because this situation is making me crazy. My husband’s high school sweetheart moved into the area recently. She got in tou...

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