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Results 81-90 from 1,481 articles

Swimming Lessons

A.M. asks from Medford

Does anyone know the age that is good to give children swimming lessons for the first time? I was thinking of next summer after my son turns 3 years old. Is that ...


4 Week Old- Need Help!

A.H. asks from York

My 4 week old wants to be held all the time! I know that babies enjoy the comfort of being held but as soon as you put him down he is screaming! It's even to the po...


When to Switch Car Seats?

L.C. asks from Champaign

My youngest daughter is almot 11 months old and is currently in an infant carrier. She is really small for her age. She isn't even 15 pounds. But she is getting long ...


Teaching My Child from Home.

A.Q. asks from Ocala

I would like to find out about teaching my child from home. He is 2 now but I want to get going on this as soon as possible. He has been doing Cds Cards and books fro...


Spacing of Children

A.W. asks from Salt Lake City

My partner and I have a boy who just turned 6 months. Next month we want to start trying for another baby. We do want the children to be close in age even though it m...


Disneyworld Help

A.P. asks from Houston

I'm looking to go to disney at the end of the year. I would like to know what's the cheapest way to accomplish this vacation. 2 adults 1 child age 4. I just went t...


Would You Consider This a Dis or Am I over Reacting?

H.M. asks from Denver

So - I'm almost 38 and in good shape - I've always been a dedicated fitness person and work hard to stay fit. For the past 4 summers I've joined a pool with my famil...


7 Yr. Old. Not Making Friends W/classmates

M.L. asks from St. Louis

Hi! I have an out-going (we call him the Wal-mart greeter!), loving, inventive, artistic little boy. He has always been very articulate (he is Italian, we talk a ...


Why So Much Anger Toward Sarah Palin?

C.C. asks from Denver

Margaret P. posted an interesting question about Sarah Palin on 8/28/08 called "politics" about how can Sarah Palin be a good mom and VP too? She posted an excerpt f...


Drug Testing Whehn Applying for Welfare

E.J. asks from Lincoln

I read that Flordia and Kentucky are going to start drug testing those who apply for welfare. There have been all the rightous quote on facebook about how people who...

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