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Results 171-180 from 1,481 articles

My Girl Wants to Be a BOY - Advice Needed!

M.S. asks from Louisville

*I'm adding this late - I didn't realize I hadn't put her age! She's 7 and her brothers are 9 and 13. My daughter has been a "tomboy" for awhile now. She has 2 b...


Potty Training & Discipline Problems with My 4 Year Old

T.S. asks from Seattle

My son is almost 4 years old and is refusing to potty train. He knows how to do it, but just goes in his diaper. He comes to me to be changed when he is poopy. We ...


Senior Who's Given Up.

L.W. asks from Dallas

I know that not many of you have children this old...and a Senior in High School is technically no longer considered a child....he will forever be my baby though. Any...


Homework in Kindergarten

C.B. asks from Raleigh

i have a 6 year old in kindergarten (her birthday is in november) i have been apalled at the amount of homework expected from these children. i don't really believe i...


My 5 Year Old Is Begging to Be Present at the Birth of Our Baby.

C.W. asks from Orlando

Although we are'nt due until March 2012, my five year old daughter (who will be six in July of next year) has been asking pretty much every day if she is able to be p...


Teen Daughters Having Sex

A.G. asks from Albany

Hi, I need to ask a question coming from the viewpoint of a father trying to raise my girls the best way I can. I have a big problem nowadays with this whole theory o...


College Son Got 3 Fs on Final Grades Yet Had as at the Mid-term.

M.M. asks from Phoenix

Our son got 3 Fs for final grades this semester. At the mid-term, two were As, the other was actually a summer internship which was pre-approved but the F was just p...


14 Month Old Receptive Language Level?

M.A. asks from New York

My son is almost 14 months old but just 12 months adjusted. I'm writing to know if you moms consider his receptive language to be on par for his age. I worry about ev...


Perfectionist Mother Stops at One - Help

J.M. asks from Washington DC

My son is at the age where people are asking me (and sometimes him!) if Im thinking to have another. Quite frankly I have pretty rigid views of parenting (all inform...


Head Lice - Oh Man

L.P. asks from Minneapolis

A stylist found nits on my daughter's head yesterday and we've been lice busting ever since. She and I both seem to have it. We've used Nix and now are picking nits...

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