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Results 181-190 from 299 articles

I Still Look Pregnet

G.A. asks from Los Angeles

I’m going to get straight to the point I’m a mother of three; I’m always so busy with the kids sports and school actives. I had my little girl 7 months ago and...


Re: What Can I Do for This Ugly Belly Flab I Have Going On

P.G. asks from Canton

I don't know if other mom's out there have this issue, but I do and I could really use some advice. Ever since I gave birth to my youngest son 5 yrs ago, I've had th...


Siatic Nerve

B.M. asks from Beaumont

I am seeing a chryopractor once a month for adjustments due to the siatic nerve... my pain seems the oposite of what I am reading... I am fine all through the day my ...


Looking for Suggestions to Shape up the "Mommy Tummy"

M.B. asks from Columbus

Okay Mommas Three c-sections and a whole lot of exercise and my Mommy tummy is still winning the battle. I just want to get rid of the mushy bulgy excess that seem...


Finding the Time .... Exercise.?.

A.F. asks from Norfolk

So almost everyone makes a new year resolution. Well mine is too exercise more. With the weather turning colder and never having "me" time. I just don't know where...


Fitness During Pregnancy

G.G. asks from Minneapolis

Is it possible to get in better shape during pregnancy? Please, do not read anything into the question....I'm NOT asking if it's ok to lose weight or diet......I jus...


Sciatica Nerve Pain

L.M. asks from Los Angeles

Happy New Year! So the past few days this pain in my back and leg is getting worse. I've checked online and it fits right into the symptoms of Sciatica nerve pain...


Will It Ever Go Away?

K.T. asks from Cheyenne

I need help getting my stomach back to a flat state! I gained 24 pounds with my daughter and pretty much have it all gone, but I still have some tummy flab that is l...


Strength Training While Pregnant

T.S. asks from Houston

I just found out yesterday that we are pregnant, which is great because we've been trying for a few months. 2 weeks ago I started lifting weights at the gym to tone ...


Plantar Fascitis

J.M. asks from Boston

Anyone have this terrible pain on the bottom of feet esp when wake up? What helped it? thx

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