Looking for Suggestions to Shape up the "Mommy Tummy"

Updated on May 15, 2009
M.B. asks from Dublin, OH
15 answers

Okay Mommas
Three c-sections and a whole lot of exercise and my Mommy tummy is still winning the battle. I just want to get rid of the mushy bulgy excess that seems to remain fixated at my waste. I am not over weight, just the average Mom but my stomach has seen better days and it make me so frustrated. I have tried sit-ups, band work-outs, healthy eating, exercise balls and still it hangs in with little change.
I am not looking to spend lots of money or try any advertised products or gyms etc. just wondering if any Moms out there have had any success with something in particular to blast the post baby bulge.Thanks!

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answers from Cincinnati on

I've tried lots of things, and nothing works great. The best exercise that I found to tone those muscles is bellydance. We focus a lot on the tummy area and isolating different muscles in the tummy.

I also find that wearing a corset/binder really helps. My tummy literally looks smaller after I have been wearing one all day.

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answers from Cleveland on


Have you tried walking? I have found that I lose the tummy fastest when I stick with my two mile a day walk. It only takes half an hour, and if you do it in the morning, before anyone else is up, it sets the tone for your whole day.

It is EXTREMELY difficult to make myself get up at 5:45 am - but it is SO worth it! You'll have energy all day, you'll feel much less stressed, and you'll just feel GOOD, because those endorphins (sp) have kicked in. Plus it's better for your metabolism if you do it in the morning. I also find I eat way less during the day when I've walked first thing in the morning.

If you've never been a walker, you probably will have to start with just a mile, and you may not be able to do it in 15 minutes, but it won't take you long to get to it. Also, with walking, you don't have to do it all at once. Maybe you want to do one mile in the morning and one in the evening....the benefits are the same.

Walking Magazine is great inspiration and has lots of great ideas (you can read it for free at the library, if you don't want to subscribe).

Hope you try it and it works for you. Blessings, J.

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answers from Toledo on

Im not employed by amazon .com, I have had 2 c sections and the 1st and 3rd child cuts were in two different spots. Go online and for about 18.00 you can buy a book called mommy tummy. Its by a nurse and it has exercises to get you back in shape.

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answers from Toledo on

Hopefully this response will at least let you know you are not alone...

I have three kids under 6 years. Although I weigh 5 pounds LESS than what I weighed 8 years ago when we were married, and 1 pound LESS than when I conceived our third kid, my wedding dress barely fits due to my mommy bulge (I try it on each year to make sure I can still zip it up). I exercise vigorously (run and other stuff) most days, and eat pretty healthy (although with breastfeeding I eat probably more fat than I should). My shape is apple, so when I gain a pound or two, it shows in my tummy. I have come to accept my imperfections and be proud of the fact that I am still a good runner and have happy and healthy kids. If I have to ditch the bikini for a one-piece these days because I've had kids, it's a small price to pay. Besides, if I were perfect, no one would like me anyway :)

I'll be interested to hear what other moms have to say!
Good luck! J.

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answers from Toledo on

Well, no advice here, lol. I'm in the same boat as you. I have an 8 y/o, 5 y/o and a 1 y/o--all C-Sections. No matter how much weight I lose or how much toning up I have done, I still have that little belly that seems "creased" right at my hips. I'll be watching to see what type of responses you get here, I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone.



answers from Toledo on

Hi M.
If you're serious....a couple of things....changing your eating habit (if it's not working) is a big one. I have used a weight program that did not leave me hungry and truly changed the way I eat. And then I got a wii fit and do that regularly. send me a note if you are interested intalking. Good Luck



answers from Cleveland on

I ave been working out with a trainer and a group of women and she tells us the abdominal muscles are very smart and that you need to change up the exercises to confuse the muscles into toning up. We do strength, aerobics and flexibility training and she has trained us to be able to do this at home. For $10 a session it has been my best investment ever.



answers from Indianapolis on

First and foremost, unless you do them PROPERLY, it doesn't matter HOW many you do. As a trainer, one of the most difficult things for clients is to learn to do them properly WITHOUT compensating using other muscles. ONCE you do that, you feel it IMMEDIATELY and results start to take place.

If you are doing them correctly, there is no doubt that you should have seen changes by now. FORM & TECHNIQUE ARE EVERYTHING!

Where do you live? If you want to set up a session and I can show you in 1/2 an hour - SEVERAL exercises just for abs. I trained trainers for years and did nothing but abs for 90 minutes for one of my sessions. THERE ARE NUMEROUS exercises and I show/tell you HOW to make them HARDER once you get to the point that they are easy.

You can only get so much on your own and from tapes and DVDs. Let me know.



answers from Dayton on

After 3 kids, the only thing that really had results is heavy duty ab workouts from a class at the YMCA. I go to a Fitness Challenge class for muscle toning. Nothing else ever helped me reduce my post pregnancy belly. It has helped a lot in stretching back all the extra skin...I finally have a belly button!



answers from Indianapolis on

I'm sorry if I'm a downer, but from what I understand, the only way to get rid of the tummy after a section is a tummy tuck. Especially if you haven't had a VBAC and went for repeats. Each pregnancy damages the muscles more and more and then each cut is unrepairable.



answers from Cleveland on

Hi M.,
I can so relate...three C's, watching diet and exercise, etc. I have a 9, 7 and almost 4 year old and really just being diligent about diet has helped, but has not gotten rid of that fold right in my mid-section. That part that was stretched beyond belief! I had a 10#-4oz baby, a 9-9 and 8-8. I don't know just be patient and really watch your diet. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. I would check your stomach to see if you have Rectus Diastis (a separation of the abdominal muscles). Anyway, I do because my babies were so big and I am hoping when I am ready to fix it, insurance will cover the cost and then tummy tuck here I am! I am anxious to here other responses to you question...Best of Luck, B.



answers from Dayton on

Pilates is great for just that. Here's a wonderful video that I swear by:


Before I got pregnant, I was in the most excellent shape in my life (at age 40!) and it was in great part due to walking regularly and doing this video. I know that it helped my back pain, etc. before and during and after pregnancy.

I've resumed doing the video (my baby is 17 months) and even with doing it only a few times a week, I can see almost immediate improvements to my core muscles. What I like about this video is that Burnett is a really good teacher, very encouraging, and the exercise is gentle and graceful, and the whole thing takes only about 20 minutes. Enjoy!



answers from Fort Wayne on

I would recommend "8-minute" abs. It is a quick workout, but really hits the mark. I am not in your situation, but I really like this program. I have also been told to do sit-ups using a workout ball (medium sized). This way you have to balance yourself, using more muscles than you think (or relize). Good luck to you - I know its frustrating!



answers from Cincinnati on

First, you need to do something aerobic as well, preferrably 3 times a week. The yoga "boat" pose is also good - sit down, knees bent, put 2 fingers under your knees, lift knees off floor keeping your torso lifted and straight, release fingers and balance. Do 3 times, lifting legs to 90 degrees and then higher. In between each, sit cross legged and relax over. This will be hard at first - just keep working on longer holds. Good luck!



answers from Fort Wayne on

I have had 2 C Sections and have the tummy. I TRY to in the morning do 10 min cardio BEFORE I eat so I am burning FAT not food.. Then I walk it off down the street and then I do another cardio for about 20-30 min at night 2 hrs after I eat and I will say I can see a difference . I still have the flab but it is getting smaller.It is funny b/c my daughter 4 and son 21 mo even do it with my hubby and I. Good Luck.....

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