ab exercises

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Results 131-140 from 299 articles

Exercise After C-section

R.I. asks from Miami

Wanted to ask you all about exercising after a C-Section. I want to work on my abs but was told that you have to wait at least a year before you start any stomach ex...


Excercise and "Pains" After Giving Birth?

A.M. asks from Dallas

So I finally had my baby(vaginally) on Jan 23!! :) My question is, how soon until I can do light abdominal excercises and which ones do you recommend? Also, do any o...


Alternative to the Old Fashioned Sit Up?

K.V. asks from Chicago

I have two pregnancies under my belt. Literally, they are still out there for everyone to see and no undergarments can hold it in. My last baby was born 7 months ag...


Losing Belly Weight

O.I. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, I have a precious daughter who is three months now and i'm losing weight steadily but my tummy seems to still look pregnant and now and then i get comments f...


Toning Stomach

T.C. asks from Minneapolis

Hi moms! I had my second baby almost 3 months agao and can not seem to loose my belly. I am still 20lbs more than my pre pregnancy weight which was 125. I try to eat ...


Is It Safe to Start Working Out Again When Morning Sickness Passes

S.M. asks from Cleveland

I was jogging and doing the P90X DVD's before I got pregnant. When my morning sickness hit at week 5 I stopped working out b/c I felt so awful. Is it safe to start ...


That Darn Muffin Top

K.K. asks from San Diego

Hi ladies, i need to lose my muffin top! and am struggling to. I've been going to the gym in the day, doing zumba at night, and cutting on my portions. left soda, s...


Bfeed Mom Want to Get a Bit Toned Again :) -- Need Exercise Video Rec

J.R. asks from Miami

Like many, after 17 months I finally have some time and energy to try to work out lightly a few times a well while LO naps. I still bfeed about 3-4 times a day so I d...


Losing Belly Fat

A.L. asks from New Orleans

Any moms out there struggling with losing belly fat? I have had two C- Sections and its created this pooch that wont go away! Dont get me wrong its not all the babies...


Yoga or Pilates?

E.H. asks from Dallas

I think I want to try out either a yoga or pilates class and I'd like to hear any reasons you prefer one over the other. My goals are stress relief as well as fitnes...

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Answer Highlights

  • revs up your metabolism in 2 answers "Eating a little meal every 2-3 hours revs up your metabolism, and makes your body ..."
  • mid rise pants in 2 answers "Aim for mid-rise pants rather than low-rise and I bet you notice a big difference."
  • your core muscles in 2 answers "You should concentrate on building your core muscles in a more round about way like ..."
  • your legs bent in 2 answers "You can have your legs bent or raised straight up."
  • your tummy muscles in 2 answers "... being on toes and hands with bottom lifted) also strenghten your tummy muscles."