ab exercises

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Results 101-110 from 299 articles

Abdominal Separation?

T.P. asks from Minneapolis

I believe I have abdominal separation, but I am 8 months post-partum and just realizing it now (I'm a first time mom, so I didn't know what it was, and thought it wou...


When Did U Exercise Post Regular Delivery?

J.M. asks from Boston

I don't mean heavy cardio or anything, but I feel like a flabby beached whale and am curious what I can safely do before 6 weeks post delivery. I know I will be tired...


Pregnant Looking

S.W. asks from Cincinnati

I am 29 and have given birth to three kids. They are 6, 3, and 6 months. They were not little babies, sizes 7 lbs 4 oz, 9 lbs 4 oz, and 8 lbs 12 oz. The trouble is...


Battle of the Bulge

N.D. asks from Chicago

I've lost 20 pounds by the old fashioned way of cardio, weight training, and dieting. My stomach, even though it did go down quite a bit, is still a sight for sor...


Losing the Excess

A.M. asks from Fort Wayne

Ok, so here's my dilema... I am trying to lose weight and nothing is working... I have given up pop, and sweets in general. My biggest issue is just the excess skin...


Exercise and Pregnancy

J.V. asks from Chicago

I won't know for sure till I wake tomorrow, but I think I am pregnant (I had a terrible back ache last Sunday, with cramps on Monday but I never got my period. I had ...


Getting My Stomach in Shape

S.P. asks from Philadelphia

I have a mom tummy. I seem to get in shape everywhere else Any Ideas?


Bloated to the Point of Looking Pregnant--updated

J.H. asks from San Antonio

I wish I knew what was going on. I'm so frustrated right now! I've been so bloated over the last week and half or so that I'm actually starting look like I'm preg...


Need Help for the Pain of Muscle Separation

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

I am 21 weeks pregnant and started feeling a small pain/tender area right above my belly button. Called my doctor, who said it is probably muscle separation in my abs...


Belly Fat!~ HELP!

S.C. asks from Detroit

I have been doing weight watchers and exercising everyday. but this puge that is just above my waist line . is so tough! I have lost almost 10lbs in a month, but the...

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Answer Highlights

  • pelvic floor muscles in 2 answers "... by pelvic floor disorder and if you don't strengthen your pelvic floor muscles ..."
  • your stomach muscles in 3 answers "I took it slow and if you do it and the next day your stomach muscles hurt(not the ..."
  • cant spot train in 2 answers "You can't spot train. So losing overall body fat is the only way you're going to get ..."
  • ab exercises in 2 answers "and be forewarned, it can be exacerbated by doing the wrong type of ab exercises ..."
  • belly fat in 5 answers "I also have heard that the belly fat is the last to go, so stick with it."