a quiet night out

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Night Time Potty Trips.

M.C. asks from Chattanooga

My dd will be 4 next month. She has been potty trained during the day for a couple years now, but only recently has been staying dry at night. During the day, she use...


I Am Tired of Being an All Night Buffet

L.K. asks from Austin

I have an 8.5 month old daughter. I usually nurse her around 10pm and put her to bed in her crib. She will then usually wake up at 1am and want to nurse again. I feed...


Night Terrors or Something Else?

J.L. asks from New York

My 2 yr 4 mth son is usually a good sleeper (meaning he sleeps about 10 hours a night without a peep) but for almost three weeks he has been waking up at exactly 2am ...


Sleeping Thru the Night??

S.F. asks from Dallas

Am I expecting too much? Our daughter is 6 1/2 weeks old, and we are feeding her every 4 hours. She takes about 4-5 ounces at every feeding. She usually naps a little...


When Is Right Age for Night Weaning?

D.B. asks from Dallas

I have a 6 week old boy that of course wakes anywhere from 2 to 5 times to nurse during the night. I know this is normal for this age..but wondering when he should be...


What Do We Do When Our Daughter Wakes up in the Middle of the Night?

J.D. asks from Seattle

This has been happening once a week or so and we are not sure what to do. My daughter wakes up one or two times in the night screaming some times like she has had a n...


Preschooler- Bedtime/Waking in the Night

N.M. asks from Anchorage

I have a 4.5 year old that is having a difficult time staying in her room alone. We are transitioning to a school schedule now and bedtime and the issues at night are...


Up All night...Sleep All Day!!

A.J. asks from Topeka

My friend has a 3 1/2 week old baby boy. He sleeps all day and he is up all night. She is desperately seeking advice since she has to return to work soon. Is there an...


How Do We Get Our Son to Sleep Through the Night??

J.Z. asks from Seattle

Hi. I wanted to know if anyone had any really good ideas on how to get our son to sleep through the night. He just recently turned 1 and I know that a lot of babies ...


Toddler Night Time Issue

A.S. asks from Reading

my son will be 3 in march and just recently started crying bad at night when i lay him in bed in his room. he will cry until i sit on his rocking chair while he falls...

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