OK, this is a fun, off the wall question. My grandson is almost 7. Last summer I heard abour Sara, a pretty little blond that he liked. They are now both in 1st gra...
Heres the thing i love my daughter to death i moved out of state of illinois to alabama without the fathers consent. i know it was selfish but he finacially could not...
Growing up, I heard all the time that my parents loved me but they didn't like me. What does that mean? To this day I am still very aware of the fact that my parents ...
Hi all, I have been married for 7 years now and have a 2 year old little girl. I have been struggling the past 4 years telling myself that it will work. I have fina...
Hi everyone! My name is M., and I just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the newest member of the Mamapedia support team. I will be overseeing t...
I love teachers! They are the keepers of our children and very special indeed. I know that at Christmas and teacher appreciation week -- most everyone chips in, for...
YAHOO!!! This dad is GREAT!!! I'm sure there are people out there who won't agree with it. But the kid admits his behavior is wrong!!
I LOVE THIS DAD!!!! We need m...
My daughter is very smart... Im constantly doing different learning activities with her but im running out of ideals... We are currently using a workbook called every...