a bump on my hand

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Results 71-80 from 1,157 articles

5Th Year Old Party Invitation Etiquette

A.T. asks from Boston

My son will be turning 5 in a few months. I will be having a party outside of the house. The venue has a max # of kids that I can have at the party so I'm not sure ...


Tips for Adjusting Night-time Schedule

S.M. asks from Chicago

My newborn is almost 2 weeks old, and has kind of settled into a night-time feeding routine. The only problem is that right now he sleeps almost all day (normal, I kn...


Feeling Guilty Jff What Injuries Has Your Child Had

E.G. asks from Jackson

This morning I was trying to put shoes on my 10 month old and she was fighting me. She yanked her foot out of my hand and lost her balance. Then bumped her head on th...


Fractured Wrist

E.M. asks from Louisville

Monday night I fell and tried to catch my self and fractured my left wrist and bruised the bone in my right hand. I went to the ortho today and they didn't put a cast...


Anti-itch Cream During Pregnancy

H.M. asks from Phoenix

Hi mommies, I am 13 weeks pregnant and have developed these itching red-bump on my belly. Has any one of you hAve this during pregnancy? if yes, please share yo...


20 Month Old Daughter Has a Possible Stye

J.J. asks from Stockton

My 20 month old daughter has a bump on her eye and I think it's a stye. I asked a pediatrician I know, she said it looks like a stye but she wasn't positive. She sa...


Crib Bumper Pads

T.C. asks from Provo

I just got a crib for my baby and I heard that a bumper pad is dangerous for babies. My question is do any of you know of another alternative of something to put aro...


Toddler Belly Button

S.J. asks from Jackson

My 2 year old has what looks like a zit inside her belly button. She isnt complaining about it or tugging at it, I just happened to notice it a few days ago when she ...


Stroller for Big 7 Month Old

L.C. asks from Scranton

I just transitioned my son out of his infant car seat and into a convertible one because he is huge. He's not yet 7 months old and already over 20 pounds. His strol...


Vaccinations Required to Enter School

V.S. asks from San Francisco

My almost 5 years old daughter just got 2 immunization shots and the td test as she is starting school this year. Contrary to what the doctor said, that she could hav...

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Answer Highlights

  • goose egg on his forehead in 2 answers "10 year old- HUGE goose egg on his forehead from falling headfirst onto the pavement."
  • air filled tires in 2 answers "I found the solution in a Phil and Ted's stroller- it's got air-filled tires so seems ..."
  • cast for about 6 weeks in 2 answers "I was in a cast for about 6 weeks, though after about 3 weeks they took the cast off ..."
  • mesh bumpers in 4 answers "I would think mesh bumpers are what you are looking for, but when American Academy ..."
  • shut his fingers in 2 answers "I accidentally shut his fingers in the car door about a year ago."