My 11 month-old granddaughter (with 4 teeth) is repeatedly biting when my daughter nurses her, even though my daughter is very clear that the consequence of biting is...
My child has been in daycare since 6mos old, now 2years old. The issue I am having is that there is a new child in the classroom who is biting the other kids. There i...
My 2 1/2 yr old son is biting his friends and his sister when he gets upset. I have tried to put a stop to this behavior but I'm having trouble getting through to him...
My sister's 16 month old son has started biting. I think that it mainly happens at day care when another child takes away his toy. She would love some advice for help...
Help! My sweet one year old son has started biting. I don't think it's an aggressive act (i.e. he doesn't clamp down and turn red). If he bites me or my husband it...
Hello, I have a 22 month old and he won't stop biting his nails. I try to take his hand away, tell him that it will hurt, ask him not to do it. I just don't know wh...
Any ideas as to how to get a 23 month old to stop biting? There is really no warning when its going to happen, and I don't want to use any physical punishment. I cu...
My 3 1/2 year old began biting her nails in February of this year. We were moving from GA to NJ and this seemed to be her reaction to the changes in her life. Now w...
I need help with getting my 19 month old daughter to stop biting. She goes through periods where she won't bite but then she starts up again. We just switched daycare...
I have boy/girl twins. They are turning one in a week. My little girl is biting. She bit me yesterday and her brother today. How do I react/discipline? She leave...