My 3, almost 4yr old granddaughter is having a terrible time with her parents divorce. Her mommy is the custodial parent and the constant in the "parental" front. La...
Firstly, has anyone had to go through this? I actually have only been out of work for 4 months, so where is the best place to look? there are so many options - I don;...
I have a weird question. My son turned one 2 weeks ago and I am 21 weeks pregnant. When I got pregnant my milk started going down and I had to start supplementing w...
My daughter is 18 months and does not listen to me. When she goes to do something she knows she should not she will look at me first knowing it is wrong. I will say N...
Okay my 7 mos old daughter almost has her 2 bottom teeth in and has nipped me a couple times..well tonight she drew blood!! Ooowwwiiee! How do I stop nursing! How do ...
I have two little ones that my mother babysitts for me but its getting to the point where she is asking for days off and I really can't afford to be taking days off o...
We've had our rescue dog for 6 years now. I have no way of knowing how old he is because he was found along side the road and one vet said he was 5 another said 9. It...
I was wonderin if anyone had tips on how I can make it easier for my daughter to transition to solids. She like the taste of what she has tried, but she is still hav...
my boys are 6 and 5yrs old......we are having a big problem with dinner...everything is 'not again' i dont like that" thats to juice'(that was last nights comment) an...