My son just turned 5. He wants to learn how to ride a bike. We took him out tonight and he leaned a lot and he was very worried about if we were going to let go. He w...
Our little buckaroo is turning 1 next week and for the upcoming spring/summer, we want to get him a bike trailer to hook on the back of our bike. Does anyone have an...
Im in the market to purchase a bike trailer for a toddler and 8 month old. I have heard positive things about the Burleys but they are a lot more expensive than other...
Hi, I just wanted to get some input from other parents about when to remove training wheels from your child's bike. My son is almost 6 and some of his friends still u...
I am currently thinking of getting my son a glide bike for Christmas. It is one of the bikes with no pedals that they push with their feet to get going & then glide ...
I have a picky 4 year old son who will not wear his bike helmet for very long because he says it is not comfortable and itchy. Are there any brands out there more or...
We recently got my daughter a two wheel bike with training wheels for her 3rd birthday. She likes the idea, but is a little hesitant to use it too much, and sometime...
My daughter is soon to be 3 and I'm wondering if this is too early to try a small bike with training wheels? Maybe a big wheel would be better? I'll take any sugges...
My son just turned 9 and he does not know how to ride a bike yet. We tried last summer to teach him but he keep giving up. My 6 year old daughter can ride her bike ...
I have 3 daughters and their Grandma has kindly offered to get them bikes for Christmas. They are 10, 7 and 3. They are not very confident bike riders so I want to ma...