Hello ladies! I need to know (this may sound silly) if a bike trailer will tip over if the bike does? I am looking into them for our camping trips to haul all our g...
My daughter is turning 3 soon, and we thought a bike would be a good gift for her b'day. She is good on her trike and really wants a bike now. Does anyone hav...
My son just turned 4 in November and my dad has offered to buy him some type of bike. Is there a good tricycle for his age or should we just get a bike with training...
My daughter is turning two and we were thinking about getting her a balance bike for her birthday. She's very coordinated and loves to be active -- I was wondering i...
My child is 2 months old & I am anxious to get outside once it stops snowing! What is the best investment- a jogging stroller or a bike trailer with accessories (ie....
We are attempting to teach our 2 1/2 yr old son to ride a bike with training wheels. When we push the bike, the pedals do not move. He has to push on them to make t...
Kiddo's sixth birthday is coming up. He's been on a scoot bike for about a year now-- wasn't interested before that point-- and he's really maxed it out. It's way too...
I have heard that it might be easier for younger kids to learn to ride a bike with a balance bike, which is just like a 2 wheeler except is has no pedals. It made se...
So I have decided after reading many suggestions on birthday gifts for my soon to be 3 year old daughter to get her a "big girl" 12 inch bike for her birthday. After ...